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ijverig 4y, 185d ago

Is there any advantage of copying files between the folders instead of maintaining hard symkinks?

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mishaal 10y, 312d ago

Would you ever consider a kickstarter to fund the rewrite/new app? Perhaps even an iOS version too?

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okn 10y, 317d ago

Hi Brett,
>Run it once,

Which command line please?

>and then edit ~/.folderize to define your configuration.

So there will be created an invisible file as well?

Omar KN
(love to have folders…)

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ttscoff 10y, 317d ago

Terminal, and yes, the configuration is in a hidden file.

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chbarlow 10y, 318d ago

Thanks for working on this Brett. When do you expect the rewrite with folder to support to become available?

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ttscoff 10y, 317d ago

No idea. I have a lot of projects going on and it's not at the top of the list yet.

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vranxDisqus 10y, 303d ago

Too bad, it should be :)

nvALT is the one markdown App besides Marked I keep using every single day. A rewrite with real Folder support would be great.

If it ever comes to Beta-testing, please put me in the first bunch of testers

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