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Yaroslav V Bulatov 12y, 136d ago

It turns out you can get refund, I got it by emailing Customer Support -> Purchases, Billing & Redemption

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Brett 12y, 136d ago

Note that you can get the PDF version for viewing on the Mac, and the included videos are accessible from links within the PDF book.

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Yaroslav V Bulatov 12y, 136d ago

I don't own IPad or IPhone and I bought this on iTunes thinking I could read it on my Mac. It turns out I can't, and they don't provide refunds.

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Robert DelRossi 12y, 169d ago

Purchase complete. Your name, and David's, is enough for me. Even in the impossibly unlikely event that it had nothing of value, it's the least I could do to thank you for what I've learned from both of you since switching to the Mac. Congratulations on the project and thanks again for your efforts.

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Toby King 12y, 169d ago

Well this is exciting! Downloading now, can't wait to dig in.

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