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Ian 12y, 222d ago


Do you know any good resources for JavaScript syntax – specifically in the context of bookmarklet dev?

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Nathan Henrie 12y, 230d ago

The lack of keyboard shortcuts for Chrome has been frustrating for me, too. Figured out an easy way to trigger these bookmarklets in Chrome without needing a 3rd party extension by adding them to the search engines. Wrote up a quick post on it, hope you find it useful (composed in nvALT, of course). How to Make Javascript Bookmarklet Shortcuts in Google Chrome

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Brett 12y, 230d ago

Ooh, nice. I wonder how hard it would be to directly send keyword searches to Quix and be able to manage everything under one search engine...

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apkawel 12y, 252d ago

Firefox solution:

<li>Drag bookmarklet to Bookmark Toolbar. </li>
<li>Right click (or two-finger click) the bookmarklet and select Properties from the context menu. </li>
<li>Type a keyword of your own choosing in the Keyword field. (I chose sf). </li>
<li>When you need to use it, hit [command] + L (i.e., focus address bar) + sf + [return]. </li>

Hey, it could be shorter, but it avoids the mouse/trackpad and it works. But the pattern could be easily shortened with Keyboard Maestro, QuicKeys, etc.

Nota bene: I tested this with FirefoxAurora. It may not function properly in vanilla Firefox.

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Greg 12y, 258d ago

This is great! Thanks Brett. Seems to work fine in Opera, by the way...

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Kurt K. 12y, 259d ago

I'm sorry, I'm not a JavaScript programmer. Was does this do? What is the purpose?

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Brett 12y, 259d ago

Did you read the first paragraph? It finds the search field on the page and puts your cursor in it.

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Kurt K. 12y, 259d ago

Thanks! I really enjoy your site. I look at it every day or two.

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