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nnutter 10y, 308d ago

I think the "$2" in "tmux new -s $attach -n $2" should be "$1" because of the "shift".

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ttscoff 10y, 308d ago

Thanks, I'm glad someone's around to catch my sleep-deprived stupidity :).

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nnutter 10y, 309d ago

I have something similar. I didn't think about including the windows but I did add tab completion which you might be interested in. I would rather have tab completion than fuzzy matching.

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ttscoff 10y, 309d ago

Way ahead of you :)

Fuzzy tab completion _with_ window completion!

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lepht 10y, 311d ago

Totally digging the tm shortcut, thanks!

I created a version[1] of the banner function that resolves the two problems I had with the original[2]:

- It was printing out all session names that currently had a client attached, instead of just the current one

- For some reason the grep wasn't capturing the current window properly


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Eric Hansander 10y, 312d ago

Have you looked at byobu? A bunch of convenient wrappers and scripts (and keybindings) around screen and/or tmux.

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Ted Wise 10y, 313d ago

I'm really curious. What's your use case for tmux? My computer runs for weeks or months at a time between reboots and my terminal instances run those whole times. I have multiple tabs that let me visually track instances, so... what is everyone using tmux for?

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Tony Giunta 10y, 312d ago

Basically what Brett said. I have to stare at a Windows box all day at work, but if there's any downtime I can use PuTTY to SSH into my machine at home. Everything is exactly how I left it and my soul hurts a little less.

I only ever have one (giant) tmux session going, so I just made an alias to connect to it.

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ttscoff 10y, 313d ago

SSH. I can close a session with a long running process and open it back up on another machine or terminal and it's all there. That's my primary need, the rest I've just come to enjoy. Flipping through windows and panes by name and quick menus is really convenient once you open more than, say, four...

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