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Mike Hickerson 12y, 265d ago

Thanks for this! I love Quix. One of my most frequent uses is to create Amazon Affiliate links using this bookmarklet. I don't use DEVONthink Pro as much as I once did, but the DTP bookmarklets to create Web archives, PDFs, or clippings of the current web page are also built into my custom Quix file.

BTW, I use the Gleebox extension in Chrome to access Quix.

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Brett 12y, 265d ago

Gleebox is one of my favorite plugins of all time on both Safari and Chrome, but I started running into conflicts and issues and it doesn't seem to be actively developed anymore, sadly.

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Matthew McVickar 12y, 265d ago

Brett, were you able to get your ⌘1 shortcut working? It seems there's a limitation with Keyboard-fu that it cannot overwrite existing shortcuts. I had been searching for a way to get ⌘1, ⌘2, ⌘3, etc. activating my bookmarks bar bookmarks ('Add to Instapaper', 'Add to Pinboard', etc.) and thought this might do the trick. I've settled on using just 1, 2, 3, etc. instead (without the ⌘ modifier key).

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Brett 12y, 265d ago

Nope, but I came up with a solution that works for me. I used 'z1' for Quix and then mapped the whole bookmarks bar in that manner. It's not perfect but it's easy enough for me to remember.

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Phil 12y, 266d ago

Your custom Quix link isn't working. Thanks for info on an app that I didn't know about, but is going to be very helpful!

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Brett 12y, 266d ago

Which link? They all seem to work for me…

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