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web ressource 12y, 106d ago

Hey there! Do you use Twitter? I'd like to follow you if that would be ok. I'm undoubtedly enjoying your blog and look forward to new

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Bad Uncle Leo 12y, 222d ago

Hi folks... Brett, thank you VERY MUCH for this *.service. One minor thing that got it working for me with Dropbox-- I started the file path with ~/ and not hard coded from /Users/ ... after erasing dayone dir my next line looks like this:

dayonepath = "~/Dropbox/Apps/Day&#092 One/Journal.dayone/entries/"

With this the service now works fine for me (before it was throwing errors w the hard path).



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AK 12y, 253d ago

Much obliged!

Works great—but I can't get it to clip from Firefox Aurora. Any suggestions would be most welcome. Thank you in advance!

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Brett 12y, 253d ago

Firefox doesn't support System Services. One of the many reasons I don't use Firefox…

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AK 12y, 253d ago

Thanks for the quick response. The service does work from the Aurora > Services menu bar, just not via the keyboard shortcut I set up. Oh well.

Big fan of all your stuff, thanks for the work you do. I'm a happy nvAlt and Marked user.

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Chris 12y, 258d ago

For some reason, when I try to clip something, something like this is always at the end of the entry:
NSFont = "&#092"Helvetica 12.00 pt. P fobj=0x400324420, spc=3.33&#092"";
NSParagraphStyle = "Alignment 0, LineSpacing 0, ParagraphSpacing 0, ParagraphSpacingBefore 0, HeadIndent 0, TailIndent 0, FirstLineHeadIndent 0, LineHeight 0/0, LineHeightMultiple 0, LineBreakMode 0, Tabs (
), DefaultTabInterval 0, Blocks (null), Lists (null), BaseWritingDirection -1, HyphenationFactor 0, TighteningFactor 0.05, HeaderLevel 0";

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Brett 12y, 258d ago

That's RTF text, which means textutil isn't doing its job. What app are you clipping from?

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Chris 12y, 258d ago

I'm taking text from Skype, adding Markdown formatting to it using TextSoap, and then inputting it into the service.

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Brett 12y, 258d ago

Can you show me what TextSoap is set up to do to it? I can clip directly from Skype without a problem, so something must be inserting rich text in between…

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Chris 12y, 258d ago

First an automator action copies the text from Skype (rather than directly inputting the selected text) in order to get the Skype timestamps (which looks like [7/6/12 1:31:49 AM]). Then that goes into TextSoap which just adds "> " in front of each line to make it a Markdown quote. Then that is put into the Clip to Day One workflow.

The TextSoap cleaner just does this:
1. Insert blank line at the top of the clipboard
2. Find and replace line breaks with line breaks followed by "> "
3. Remove extra returns

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nomad 13y, 35d ago

Great, thanks a lot. Works well. One wish: Is it somehow possible to include the URL of the clipped text?

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Robert 13y, 40d ago

Hey! How do you suggest I open the *.doentry extension files that I synced with Dropbox on my PC?

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Andrew 12y, 164d ago

I find that the *.doentry files open quite nicely in my MS Word 2007. :)

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Brett 13y, 40d ago

*.doentry files are proprietary to Day One, and I don't think there's a PC version or equivalent...

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Cotter_Pin 13y, 59d ago

Thank you, a great script. Works great with the Dropbox mod, iCloud and Day One are just not cutting it for me right now.

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Kristan 13y, 59d ago

Hey Brett

I just want to say I'm a new fan. I've been following you for a few weeks now and after I saw how many similarities we have in our favourite apps I decided to start looking into anything that you endorse.

So I've now picked up Taskpaper and Day One on your recommendation! Thanks for the tips :)

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