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unverified 4y, 263d ago

Hi - I hope you can help. I have the same issue noted by O4D9qomH above. Quit and deleted nvALT. Found no files starting with net.elasticthread... On reinstall, nvALT continues to give the following error message: Unable to initialize notes database in ~/Library/Application Support/Dropbox/nvALT notes because the file wasn't found.

Any other preference files I need to delete to get a fresh install? My notes were converted to txt files and put in DropBox, but now I can't seem to access them.

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O4D9qomH 5y, 135d ago

Hello. I'm having trouble setting the "Read notes from folder" setting in the notes preferences. I select "Other" from the dropdown list but am not offered a menu dialog to locate the folder. Any ideas?

Am running nvalt 2.2.8 under macOS Catalina (10.15.1).


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Brett 5y, 134d ago

Try deleting preferences.

  1. Quit nvALT
  2. Go to ~/Library/Preferences (~ is your user home folder)
  3. Delete all files that start with net.elasticthreads.nv.plist
  4. Reboot your Mac (necessary so the preferences cache is fully cleared)
  5. Launch nvALT
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unverified 4y, 265d ago

Hi - I hope you can help. I have the same issue noted by O4D9qomH above. Quit and deleted nvALT. Found no files starting with net.elasticthread... On reinstall, nvALT continues to give the following error message: Unable to initialize notes database in ~/Library/Application Support/Dropbox/nvALT notes because the file wasn't found.

Any other preference files I need to delete to get a fresh install? My notes were converted to txt files and put in DropBox, but now I can't seem to access them.

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Brett 4y, 263d ago

Your paths are weird. Your Dropbox folder should not be inside of your Library folder. And if you've run the app, there is absolutely a net.elasticthreads.* file in your ~/Library/Preferences/, which leads me to believe you're looking in the wrong place.

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unverified 4y, 263d ago

I did a bit more sleuthing and found where things went wrong. Discovered the net.elasticthreads.* file and got rid of it. Reinstall and everythings working great! Thanks for steering me in the right direction!

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O4D9qomH 5y, 133d ago

Thanks so much. I tried to find it on my own, but missed it.

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Daniel Kazandjian 7y, 130d ago

Maybe it's the morning coffee, but I actually got emotional reading this post. I hope you understand how much value you're offering people with your work. Thank you.

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pinta_vodki 7y, 153d ago

What amazes me is the the original Notational Velocity keeps running on my Mac all these years, Snow Leopard to High Sierra, and never breaks. Of course, it is much simpler, but wow, what an app.

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Eric Anderson 7y, 159d ago

Thanks for your work! I find it the fastest and most efficient way to enter text on the Mac period. Clean, simple and fast. It's hard to image how you could improve it so I can't wait to see what BitWriter brings...

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sigurarm 7y, 166d ago

Thanks for keeping nvALT alive

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99EE 7y, 171d ago

If anyone else is sick of waiting for BitWriter, I've found Ulysses to be an OK nvAlt replacement. It seems to work fine with my existing nvAlt text folder.

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hooplehead 7y, 181d ago

Thanks for keeping this thing running! I don't know what I would do without NV or NVAlt.

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AwkwardTurtle 7y, 173d ago

Yes, thanks so much Brett! I use nVAlt every day.

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Syd Salmon 7y, 131d ago

I agree!! nvALT is my go-to note-taking and writing app. Simple and highly effective!

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