Hi - I hope you can help. I have the same issue noted by O4D9qomH above. Quit and deleted nvALT. Found no files starting with net.elasticthread... On reinstall, nvALT continues to give the following error message: Unable to initialize notes database in ~/Library/Application Support/Dropbox/nvALT notes because the file wasn't found.
Any other preference files I need to delete to get a fresh install? My notes were converted to txt files and put in DropBox, but now I can't seem to access them.
Hello. I'm having trouble setting the "Read notes from folder" setting in the notes preferences. I select "Other" from the dropdown list but am not offered a menu dialog to locate the folder. Any ideas?
Am running nvalt 2.2.8 under macOS Catalina (10.15.1).
Try deleting preferences.
- Quit nvALT
- Go to ~/Library/Preferences (~ is your user home folder)
- Delete all files that start with net.elasticthreads.nv.plist
- Reboot your Mac (necessary so the preferences cache is fully cleared)
- Launch nvALT
Hi - I hope you can help. I have the same issue noted by O4D9qomH above. Quit and deleted nvALT. Found no files starting with net.elasticthread... On reinstall, nvALT continues to give the following error message: Unable to initialize notes database in ~/Library/Application Support/Dropbox/nvALT notes because the file wasn't found.
Any other preference files I need to delete to get a fresh install? My notes were converted to txt files and put in DropBox, but now I can't seem to access them.
Your paths are weird. Your Dropbox folder should not be inside of your Library folder. And if you've run the app, there is absolutely a net.elasticthreads.* file in your ~/Library/Preferences/, which leads me to believe you're looking in the wrong place.
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