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unverified 3y, 232d ago

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TimHansinger 3y, 242d ago

Hi Brett,

you can also use a little applescript to tell Loopback directly what to mute like so:

-- Mute

set myMic to "Scarlett Mic"
set displayNotification to myMic & " Muted"

tell application "System Events"
        tell process "Loopback"
            set theDeviceSwitch to UI element "Device Switch" of UI element myMic of UI element "Devices" of window 1
            set theMicState to get value of attribute "AXValueDescription" of theDeviceSwitch
            if theMicState is "On" then click theDeviceSwitch
            display notification displayNotification
        end tell
    on error errMsg
        return "Error: " & myMic & " still Unmuted!"
    end try
end tell

And to Unmute:

-- Unmute

set myMic to "Scarlett Mic"
set displayNotification to myMic & " Unmuted"

tell application "System Events"
        tell process "Loopback"
            set theDeviceSwitch to UI element "Device Switch" of UI element myMic of UI element "Devices" of window 1
            set theMicState to get value of attribute "AXValueDescription" of theDeviceSwitch
            if theMicState is "Off" then click theDeviceSwitch
            display notification displayNotification
        end tell
    on error errMsg
        return "Error: " & myMic & " still Muted!"
    end try
end tell

The Loopback window must exist but it can be hidden.

This could be linked with some error handling (if error then activate Loopback and try again).

Best Tim

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What's next? verify your email address for reply notifications!

unverified 3y, 244d ago
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What's next? verify your email address for reply notifications!

Brett 3y, 244d ago

Nice :D

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What's next? verify your email address for reply notifications!