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Januz 11y, 141d ago

I was eagerly awaiting the announced posts about your tagging and filing system; to hear that you even write a book about this topic, is great - when do you think it will be out?


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ttscoff 11y, 141d ago

I'm self-publishing it, so it will be out as soon as I can finish it. I have no idea what that means yet, though :).

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Januz 11y, 141d ago

OK. I hope you'll be finished soon, I plan to reorganize my folder system, would be great to read your book before that!

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Tom 11y, 142d ago

A really hierarchical system would be so much more powerful than the "flat" tag implementation of OpenMeta and Mavericks. With "hierarchical" I mean a tagging system like in Things (from CulturedCode).

With separators like ":" in theory we can achieve the same in Mavericks but we have to add every "group" tag manually to the tagged files (indeed the result is very similar to use separate tags).

On the other hand, with a true hierarchical tagging system we could create and change groups simply by changing (or creating) the hierarchical dependency of the tag itself (see Things).

I had (very slight) hopes that the Mavericks tagging implementation would be a hierarchical one. But I guess we will still have to wait a couple of years for this …

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pdadoc 11y, 132d ago

I feel like I'm just missing something major with tags.... I use an iMac at home office, and laptop (MB Air) when out. I use these both all the time. Unless I'm missing this, tags do not sync across macs (iCloud, dropbox, or anything else). Without that capability, I don't see how tags are useful, as I can find something on one computer, but not the other. With my current folder struture (most of my folder structure in dropbox), at least everything is in sync.

I'd like to use tags to supplement the hierarchical folder structure-- am I missing something? If not, do you think sync capability will be coming?

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Tom 11y, 129d ago

Tags are file-specific attributes. When I sync or copy files from my desktop Mac to my MacBook (e.g. the Documents folder) tags are of course copied/synced too. I have another Mac that I don’t sync because it has it has nothing to do with my work. It has its own set of files, that is I don’t need or want all the tags from the other Macs on that one.

So for the moment I think it’s good that tags are not synced beforehand across all Macs. If there was an automatic tag sync it must include the option to sync only certain tags, e.g. via checkboxes in Finder’s preferences.

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pdadoc 11y, 126d ago

Thanks-- I totally stand corrected on this! Tags ARE now syncing when changed if folder is in dropbox. Your highlighting that tags are file-specific made me go back and try again, and for whatever reason, now sync (thru dropbox) to other mac fine...

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Tom 11y, 126d ago

It seems that I misunderstood your post. I thought that you were disappointed with the fact that tags are not auto-synced in its entirety (i.e. the whole tag inventory on a machine, independently of the actually synced files) via iCloud.

It also happened to me once that I copied a folder full of tagged files to an external (HFS) disk and the tags didn’t show up in the Finder. However 'ls -l@' showed the tag attributes. Maybe a Finder glitch.

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