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unverified 4y, 78d ago

Thanks! I was able to apply your solution under Catalina but it doesn't appear to work under macOS Big Sur due to a Homebrew problem.

Error: Fetching /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/$USER/homebrew-old-openssl failed! fatal: 'origin/master' is not a commit and a branch 'master' cannot be created from it fatal: invalid upstream 'origin/master' Updated 1 tap (homebrew/core). No changes to formulae.

I tried nuking and reinstalling Homebrew from scratch but the error persists.

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Brett 4y, 78d ago

I haven't had the openssl issue under Big Sur yet, so haven't had to try the fix out there. Based on your error, though, it seems more like a recent change in the repo more than a change in the OS…

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