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felixhageloh 10y, 201d ago

Thanks for yet another great blog post! One thing I noticed: You mention that you can't type in the built in debug console. This strikes me as odd, since I'm using the standard component so it is actually identical to the debug console in Safari.

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ttscoff 10y, 201d ago

It looks the same, and all the fields are there, but I can't get the cursor to focus in any text fields. I can click everything, but not type...

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Koen Colpaert 10y, 207d ago

I'm trying to re-engineer something like the "Doing" widget and read the first 5 lines from a txt-file. By using something like "command: "head -5 file.txt" I can produce the content but everything looks to be on the same line. I'm not familiar with grep so if somebody could point out the correct syntax to me...

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ttscoff 10y, 207d ago

it's not your command output, it's the fact that it's rendered as HTML, which has no concept of line breaks or whitespace by default. The easiest thing to do is put your output into a <pre> block in the render section.

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Daniel K. 10y, 207d ago

It's a joy to see these pictures :)
Would you share your RAM and CPU monitors as well? I use them (slightly modified) in NerdTool, and I'm curious, how they integrate with Übersicht. Are the colors still from the .rb-scripts?

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ttscoff 10y, 201d ago

The colors now output span classes and are styled in CSS. I'll put them up eventually.

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Daniel K. 10y, 201d ago

Oh, thanks and nice to know. Fortunately, I could spend some hours this weekend and simply reimplemented both as coffescript widgets. Thus It only needs the call to ps an no ruby in the background ;)

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felixhageloh 10y, 201d ago

I just noticed there is still an issue when the console is attached to the screen (unfortunately there is no way to detach it programmatically). You can detach it by pressing the window icon next to the close icon in the top left corner and everything should work.

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ttscoff 10y, 201d ago

Nice! Great to know.

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Mustafa BAYINDIR 10y, 208d ago

Thank you for this good work. Did you test cpu usage of load.widget. It cost %7 on my computer when refresh rate is 10k/20k. It is very high for such a big delay (10k is 10sec I think?)

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Dave Tucker 10y, 209d ago

If position is determined by CSS is it safe to assume that this could work across different screen resolutions?

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ttscoff 10y, 209d ago

absolutely. I have most of my widgets set up to fit on my 13" using absolute positioning from 0,0 (top left). You can also use percentages, though, as I'm doing with LoadBar. It adjusts to 100% height of whatever screen it's on.

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