I'm trying to re-engineer something like the "Doing" widget and read the first 5 lines from a txt-file. By using something like "command: "head -5 file.txt" I can produce the content but everything looks to be on the same line. I'm not familiar with grep so if somebody could point out the correct syntax to me...
It's a joy to see these pictures :)
Would you share your RAM and CPU monitors as well? I use them (slightly modified) in NerdTool, and I'm curious, how they integrate with Übersicht. Are the colors still from the .rb-scripts?
The colors now output span classes and are styled in CSS. I'll put them up eventually.
Oh, thanks and nice to know. Fortunately, I could spend some hours this weekend and simply reimplemented both as coffescript widgets. Thus It only needs the call to ps an no ruby in the background ;)