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~/horsemans/ 8y, 75d ago

Hey Brett, are other users experiencing lag opening and closing nvALT? It takes about six seconds for it to close, and it sometimes takes about 2-3 seconds to open. I have ~1,200 plain text files in the directory nvALT is pointed to, but performance has never been an issue before these last few bugfix releases.


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ttscoff 8y, 74d ago

This isn't unusual, especially if you're using Simplenote sync. The delay before closing is nvALT ensuring that all sync operations are complete. That being said, no, I haven't noticed or heard from any users seeing changes in launch/quit time, so you might file a report at to see if anyone else chimes in.

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Jason 8y, 112d ago

Brett, thank you for the update on the nvALT re-write that you talked about last year? Is that still in the works or will you continue to update the existing nvALT?

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hooplehead 8y, 124d ago

Thanks for the focus fix! By the way, the font on your web site looks really messed up on Chrome/Mac.

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