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nielsrasmus 11y, 339d ago

Hi Brett,
and thanks for this beautiful chart.
Do you have plans for making one for Mac Apps only ?

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What's next? verify your email address for reply notifications!

jonmead 11y, 342d ago

Notesy does that for me, or close enough.

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Noam Ross 11y, 343d ago

My problem with these text editors is that I can't seem to find one that (a) uses Dropbox sync, and (b) has FAST full-text search for my 1600+ notes. They all bog down on sync and search. I suppose that fast search requires a binary database, meaning some other in-between service on the cloud. Are there any options other than Simplenote for this?

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What's next? verify your email address for reply notifications!

ryanlaner 11y, 341d ago


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