<li>\"" & content of _msg & "\"
: should probably use quoted form
<li>tell application "Mail" to mailto "#{mailto.gsub(/'/,"\'")}"
: shouldn't this be gsub('"', '\"')
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
appname = "SomeApp"
codes = %w(25070852 10195893)
`osascript -e 'tell app "Mail"
repeat with msg in (get selection)
do shell script "echo " & quoted form of (get all headers of msg) & " > /0/headers-$(uuidgen).txt"
end repeat
end tell'`
matches = {}
dir = Dir['/0/headers-*.txt']
dir.each {|message|
match = File.read(message).scan(/^From: (.*) <([^ ]*)>$/)[0]
matches[match[1]] = match[0]
picks = matches.sort {|a, b| rand <=> rand}[0,codes.size]
winners = "<ul>"
picks.each_with_index {|pick, i|
email, name = pick[0], pick[1]
mailto = "mailto:#{email}?subject=Congratulations #{name}, you won!&body=Here is your promo code for #{appname}: #{codes[i]}%0A%0AThanks for reading!"
p mailto
link = %Q{<li><a href="#{mailto}">#{name} <#{email}></a></li>}
winners << link
# `osascript -e 'tell app "Mail" to mailto "#{mailto.gsub('"', '\"')}"'`
File.open("/0/#{appname}-winners.html", "w") {|o| o.write(winners)}
`rm /0/headers-*.txt`
The script gets the name and email address from the header. (So it's not specific to Wordpress notification emails.) It doesn't check for IPs though.