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Nils 12y, 19d ago

Thank you for your short review.

I have a question for you as MultiMarkdown and iOS editor professional. Do you know an iOS Editor with Markdown features wich let you reorganize you document in a similar way MMC2 does?
I researched a lot but till now I only found TaskPaper for iOS where you can move the headline and its associated paragraphs, but unfortunately TaskPaper for iOS doesn't support Markdown.

Any hints?

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ttscoff 12y, 18d ago

There aren't any, yet. Fletcher pretty much pioneered that feature. There _is_ a version of Composer for iOS coming, though, which does have the feature.

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Nils 12y, 18d ago

Thanks for the quick answer!

So I don't have to waste further time in searching and can start waiting patiently for the release ;-) .

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Andreas 12y, 42d ago

Thank you Brett for this cool app-advice - and the lovely app-preview you did w/Fletcher on #29 of SYSTEMATIC. Needles to say, that Composer by teaming up with Marked as Premium-Previewer is worth every Penn(e)y. Cheers - while, of course, drinking responsibly ;-)

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gianlucasavini 12y, 42d ago

I hope it will be available on non-US App Stores soon. Now it's not possible to buy it in Europe...

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MMD Software 12y, 42d ago

It should be listed for sale in all stores.  Might take some refreshes, but I am seeing purchases from all over the world.

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gianlucasavini 12y, 42d ago

I bought it! It's working along it's friend Marked :-)

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Andreas 12y, 42d ago

Just bought it in Europe/Germany from the Mac-App-Store. Hope you'll soon get your hands on it as well.

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