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Jay Dixit 10y, 349d ago

Scatterbrains looks amazing. I could see using this not in case I forget what I'm doing, but as a way of tracking my productivity and time management. At this point it requires Hazel to run?

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ttscoff 10y, 349d ago

The `doing` utility requires nothing more than the command line. To use it with Day One requires Hazel, but I haven't even published that system yet :).

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Richard Guay 11y, 2d ago

Hi, I just found the doing tool and love it. Thanks. I think I will incorporate it into my Todo Alfred Workflow. You can see it here:

I have your doing tool configured to the doing journal in my workflow and it works great. The only problem is when I do a journal entry with both system, it show the ones from Alfred even though the Alfred workflow is using different section names. It would be good if your ruby library would just stick to the section it is working with and not other sections. Also, when I do "doing sections" it does not show the sections used from the Alfred workflow. I believe part of that problem is my workflow. I am looking into it.

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Jamie Bennett 11y, 4d ago

I have been adding my 'doing' entries to a file in nvalt for some time now, pulling the content into DayOne each evening based on tags, and producing a summary section detailing time spent on certain topics areas based on time between activities. I've switched to doing now but still using my script for DayOne integration and it works a treat.

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ttscoff 11y, 4d ago

This guy is doing something similar:

Slogger pulls some of my stuff to Day One (like git logs, etc.), but mostly I've been working in the other direction, using Day One's quick entry window and having that append to nvALT. I'd be curious to see your script though, especially regarding the time intervals.

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Jamie Bennett 11y, 4d ago

I log every activity throughout the day so time between tasks indicates the duration of the tasks themselves. If I take a break I log that (with a @break tag) and at the end of the day I log an entry with no tag, everything is based on tags I care about. For calculating the time its as simple as subtracting the timestamps like :-

thistime = line.split(" ")[2] # we want just the time from the entry
minutes = (thistime.split(":")[0]).to_i * 60 # hours * minutes
minutes += (thistime.split(":")[1]).to_i # add the minutes for total minutes today
duration = currenttime - minutes # calculate the tasks duration based on last logged task
currenttime = minutes # log the current time for the next calculation

I use Slogger to combine everything into Day One so this simple time tracker workflow does the same - log the time throughout the day and let an automated job pick up the data and process it at 23:55 each evening.

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Evan Lovely 11y, 4d ago

Great job! Love this kind of stuff! You mentioned somebody could make an Alfred Workflow, so I did:

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Patrick Ahles 11y, 4d ago

Looking forward to the Hazel script! This will be really great!

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scdpiro 11y, 3d ago

Me too!

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Aaron Bach 11y, 4d ago

Cool idea! It's the year of the CLI app. :)

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Jonathan Hollin 11y, 5d ago

Installed "doing" as soon as I read your post. It's a great little utility and one that will, I'm sure, become an invaluable part of my workflow. Nice work. Thank you.

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