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Patrick Welker 12y, 161d ago

Support for Umlauts, accents and such would be nice :) -- but it's great as it is.

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Paul Nielan 12y, 206d ago

Test comment to check posting time.

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Paul Nielan 12y, 207d ago

Removed IAWriter using AppCleaner. Is that enough?

Tried both Brett's and elmimmo's fork. in ~.

Restarted finder.

Ran qlmanage -r

Still don't get .md file displayed.

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Brett 12y, 207d ago

run qlmanage -d 4 and look at the end of the output to see what plugin it decided to use or if there are any errors in the output.

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Paul Nielan 12y, 206d ago

Followed this advice. Saw that another Markdown app called MarkMyWords from Xelaton was using an internal QuickLook generator, but the behavior was null. This looks to be similar to the behavior Brett mentioned at top of thread with iaWriter. So I deleted MarkMyWords with AppCleaner. Did a "qlmanage -r", but no luck. However, after I completely restarted. all is working. See below.

StashAir:Desktop pen$ qlmanage -p -d1 Health&#092 Diary&#092 | grep markdown
[DEBUG] Preview test for -- file://localhost/Users/pen/Desktop/. Content type UTI: net.daringfireball.markdown
[DEBUG] Previewing file://localhost/Users/pen/Desktop/ Content type UTI: net.daringfireball.markdown. Generator used:

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Paul Nielan 12y, 207d ago

This does not seem to work in Lion. Anyone else having the same issue?

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Brett 12y, 207d ago

This was written on Lion and hasn't changed since. Are you running iA Writer? It kills all Markdown QuickLook plugins.

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elmimmo 12y, 207d ago

Brett, both yours and Fletcher Penney's versions use UTI's to tell Quicklook what documents it can preview, yet do not bother registering those UTIs to specific extensions, effectively depending on having other software doing that installed in order for the Quicklook plugin to work.

So yes, meaning, I am afraid, not working for many people, Lion or any other OS version. My fork fixes that, as I explained before in the comments. Feel free to have a look.

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Paul Nielan 12y, 207d ago


Removed IAWriter using AppCleaner. Is that enough?

Tried both Brett's and elmimmo's fork. in ~.

Restarted finder.

Ran qlmanage -r

Still don't get .md file displayed.

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Paul Nielan 12y, 207d ago

To be clear: ~/Library/QuickLook

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elmimmo 12y, 207d ago

Try my fork.

I have not bothered adding styles yet, though.

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elmimmo 12y, 350d ago

…and to fix issue 1. I am on fire.

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mgk 12y, 286d ago

You are on fire! Thanks much for the fixes.

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elmimmo 12y, 351d ago

It would be nice if you addressed Fletcher Penney's MMD-QuickLook's issue 2 regarding UTF-8 and issue 1 regarding the plugin not recognizing markdown documents based on their extension (i.e. not working at all).

Fletcher Penney has dismissed [issue 2] as a non-issue, but while I wholeheartedly disagree (the purpose of the plugin is not generating HTML snippets, which is MMD's command-line tool, but generating previews, hence, full HTML documents that always render appropriately no matter local defaults), I do not have the skills to fix it in my clone.

[issue 1], essentially, makes your version of the plugin as broken as Fletcher Penney's: it does not work on many computers, as it depends on having other 3rd-party apps installed, associating certain UTIs to certain extensions.

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elmimmo 12y, 350d ago

…and to [fix issue 1]. I am on fire.

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elmimmo 12y, 351d ago

Well, apparently I did have the skills to address issue 2

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joe 12y, 363d ago

thanks man !! ..great job ..i follow you in next app upgrades ;)

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Hubert CAMPAN 12y, 364d ago

Thanks. It is great.
Problem with accentuated and unicode characters though

Continue your great work !


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Hubert CAMPAN 12y, 362d ago

Follow up :
Does work with accentuated characters if the document has metadata at the top of a the MultiMarkdown document.



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Adrian Boioglu 13y, 7h ago

Thanks. I needed that. Awesome job!

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