When I first started blogging I took a semi cowardly approach. I rarely wrote any opinion pieces and stuck to guides and facts. This let me get comfortable putting words on the screen without fear of being attacked for my personal thoughts or perspectives. I dipped my toes into public publishing if you will.
Only in the last couple of years have I started to write more from my heart with more of my own voice. To work in the public requires growth of thick skin.
Bloggers act and look different than the rest of the "pack" and as a result, certain people will attack simply to try to put the blogger back "in line" with the rest of the tribe.
Unfortunately this simply means skin needs to grow thicker if the influencer has any hope of furthering himself/herself.
For any new bloggers out there, don't get discouraged when only the "broken wheels" make noise. Many other are finding your content. You are helping!