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kkolev 13y, 109d ago

Your xpath invocation breaks on ubuntu 11.10. Also, I would've gone with a slightly shorter solution:

curl -s | xpath -e '//lipsum' 2>&- | sed -e's/<\/*lipsum>//'

Or even better (man is your friend when saving bytes):

 curl -s | xpath -q -e '//lipsum' | sed -e's/<\/*lipsum>//'

But thanks for the post in the first place - I wouldn't have gotten such a useful one-liner (and learned about xpath) right now :-)

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Michael Rose 14y, 39d ago

Hi Brett

I get the following content from running the snippet

/tmp/temp_textmate.rac4EC: line 4:  : command not found

Does this mean xpath isn't doing something correctly?

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Brett 14y, 39d ago

Yeah, looks like you don't have xpath installed. I'm not sure if I installed it long ago and forgot about it, if it comes with the developer tools, or there's something going on on your end.

None of the other generators I built use xpath, so you might just skip it.

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Zettt 14y, 47d ago

Oops, sorry for the confusion. Glad you found the right link.

Maybe I'm over-daramtizing the "frontmost app"-thing, but I'm currently investigating how I possibly could rid out TextMate of my workflow.

Looking forward to the calculator stuff. (As useful as my punch-card implementation?

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Zettt 14y, 47d ago

Brett, you got to stop posting such stuff, because you're not only harming your productivity, you're harming others as well.
I know there are probably tons of scripts out there that do the same thing, but I wanted to take your example and make it more flexible with interactive input.

Nice idea, by the way, thanks.

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Brett 14y, 47d ago
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Brett 14y, 47d ago

I'm really curious to see what you did with it, but I'm getting an "unknown error" from GitHub on that gist link. Does it work for you?

If you want to see some wasted potential, wait until I post my asinine command line calculators tonight :).

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