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Dave Tucker 10y, 213d ago

Hey Brett,

Your desktop inspired me to get tinkering with GeekTool. First off, I created a repo on GitHub with an adapted weather icon/forecast/summary that runs from the (Dark Sky) API. I'll be pushing more geeklets here when get some more tinker time ;)

Secondly I tried out your Sidecar skin for Simplify but it's doesn't work with the OSX Yosemite beta...
It's only showing the top half :S

Finally, which fonts are you using for date/time/weather?

-- Dave

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ttscoff 10y, 213d ago

Yeah, I've been using Dark Sky locally, too. I'll need to update that script entirely as the API it uses is soon to be deprecated/sunset.

I haven't put Sidecar on my Yosemite machine yet, but I'll test it out.

The font in most of the non-fixed-width geeklets is Raleway:

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ttscoff 10y, 213d ago

I take it back, I forgot I switched all my fonts to Avenir.

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Dave Tucker 10y, 213d ago

Both are better than Source Code Sans :)

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Koen Colpaert 10y, 217d ago

How do you get the cpu and memmeters outline like that? When I run the same scripts, the percentages show up close to the name of the process instead of under each other. I've tried the alignment options but without result.

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Eelke 10y, 215d ago

Are you using a fixed width font? That should sort out most issues.

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Koen Colpaert 10y, 214d ago

Thanks Eelke, that solved a lot indeed!

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edward 10y, 222d ago

Hey Bret where could I get the desktop image you are using?

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ttscoff 10y, 222d ago

I have an app called uDesktop Next that I've been using for backgrounds.

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edward 10y, 222d ago

so your desktop image is always changing? how do you make sure that the text is legible? and it is not white on white or are you ok with that?

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ttscoff 10y, 222d ago

No, I hand pick the desktops, it's just my source.

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edward 10y, 222d ago

Ha I see thanks so much for the info

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Stephen 10y, 233d ago

Have you previously posted the geeklet for the bandwidth test?

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J. Rick Adams 10y, 235d ago

I spent all last night and today coming up with virtually that same script for the Dark Sky implementation. Well worth the exercise in grep | sed, etc then finding the Ruby library. :) I don't even know where to begin with the speed test numbers. Is there a api you can get with an account?

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Robin Carmack 10y, 235d ago

What is the script you used for Dark Sky conditions? I love that

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ttscoff 10y, 235d ago

It's a simple one:

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Robin Carmack 10y, 235d ago

Excellent! Thanks ;)

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