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hanse peter 14y, 232d ago

Man this tool will help me alot. Really great.

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LagaV 14y, 233d ago

Great tool. I would love to have similar functionality to transfer stuff directly from Google Reader or Instapaper into Evernote....(preferably using the reduced content provided by Safari Reader)

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btadmin 14y, 226d ago

That's actually feasible using the hacked up version of the Evernote clipper I made for the Antique Reader hack. It allows you to pass in your own title and url, then handles the clipping part on its own. I'll see if I can make the time to cut this together with that and make a single-keystroke Reader->Evernote extension :).

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LagaV 14y, 180d ago

Do you still think that you'll find time to put this together?

I really would love it.



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btadmin 14y, 180d ago

The new Evernote clipper that came out last week will actually make it even easier, I think. I'll definitely try to take a look at it this weekend. Adding to the to-do list :).

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btadmin 14y, 118d ago

It could happen, but I'm juggling way too much right now to make any promises. Definitely still on the project list, though.

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LagaV 14y, 118d ago

Is there still hope to see some kind of tool for Instapaper / Google Reader / Evernote data archiving?

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LagaV 14y, 178d ago

Cool! I'm looking forward to Monday. Many thanks.

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Dominic Hopton 14y, 235d ago

It doesn't seem to like functioning for instapaper accounts that don't have a password set... is it just me, or is that a bug?

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btadmin 14y, 226d ago

I think I fixed this in the 0.2 update that I just pushed. Make sure the extension is updated in your preferences panel and see if it makes a difference for you.

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btadmin 14y, 235d ago

Quite possibly a bug, I haven't tested it without a password yet.

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Waldemar 14y, 236d ago

Instapapers official bookmarklet works in Google Reader too.
I'm just pressing ⌘-1 (the bookmarklet sits in Safaris Bookmarks Bar) and i'm done.

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btadmin 14y, 236d ago

Now, that I'll give you. Late last night when I wrote this, I totally forgot that Marco had already made that work. I should sleep more.

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Janesa 13y, 314d ago

And I thought I was the senbisle one. Thanks for setting me straight.

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Matthew 14y, 236d ago

that's nice and that but, Google Reader has built in support for sending of links to instapaper and to other services you can decode the url to. in the preferences send to options.

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btadmin 14y, 236d ago

If you make use of the keyboard navigation that makes GReader my favorite way to read RSS feeds, clicking the Send To menu selecting your option and handling followup dialogs is just a pain in the ass. A single keystroke is preferable, at least to me.

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Dov Frankel 14y, 236d ago

Hey, this is great, and the notifications' display format is an unexpected bonus. I would like the notifications to stay up for a much shorter time, though - could you either reduce the timing or introduce a preference for this?

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btadmin 14y, 236d ago

Definitely. I considered that at the time, but I was concerned that I'd made them too light and they wouldn't be noticed :). I'll push an update in the next couple of days that will take care of that.

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