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unverified 5y, 184d ago

Every time I go to Shift I hit an arrow and erase what I just typed and it is driving me crazy

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Ali Zabouti 9y, 151d ago

You use both vim and emacs navigation? If anything is magic around here, it's you!

Meanwhile, I'm happy as a clam with my little stash of Happy Hacking keyboards.

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ttscoff 9y, 151d ago

I use hjkl for arrow key nav, but ctrl-a for home, ctrl-e for end, ctrl n/p for up/down in menus, etc. I just find the hjkl more consistent between my various editing environments.

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Ali Zabouti 9y, 150d ago

I use the hjkl keys, too, but have no muscle memory to help me with the arrow keys.

One thing that a keyboard must have for me to use it is a control key to the left of the A key. In many of my CLI and vim tasks, CTL-h is backspace, CTL-[ is escape, etc. THIS is muscle memory that I do have - and it keeps me from having to move my hand to a backspace or delete key, so I find it much faster. (Pisses me off that Microsoft has decided that CTL-h has its own special meaning - another reason not to use their stuff.)

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ttscoff 9y, 150d ago

Using this technique, you can turn Caps lock into a control key:

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Ali Zabouti 9y, 150d ago

OMG! I knew you were magic! I just map my MBA caps lock key to control. Simple stuff that I can understand. I think we need a video of you using a keyboard!

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99EE 9y, 152d ago

I totally agree about the arrow keys. I can't believe that they made this change. It was SO MUCH better on the older keyboards. I really hope that they change it back, but I doubt that they will.

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jonmead 9y, 152d ago

I have a MacBook and I have the same lag issue with the keyboard - its weird and at some sort of millisecond level disconcerting enough to mean I mistype a lot using the keyboard.

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