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unverified 6y, 276d ago

THANKS guys I feel like an idiot... however I really do appreciate the help.

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unverified 6y, 276d ago

You should change your webdriver test to this:

if (Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(navigator, 'webdriver')) { … }

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evan 6y, 275d ago

That actually doesn't work, even aside from any modifications. Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(navigator, 'webdriver') is undefined. Even if that weren't the case, couldn't you just then override the behavior of Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor() to check for that special case?

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unverified 6y, 275d ago

I'm working with some scrapers and some days ago I was stucked because Chrome Headless doesn't have support to ignore errors with certifacates. So, to block it you need to have a nice certificate error.

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evan 6y, 275d ago

That's hilariously true. The good news though is that this changing in Chrome 65 (see this Chromium issue). If you use the current unstable branch then you should be able to ignore the certificate errors.

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unverified 6y, 275d ago

Chrome lets you bypass certificate errors by typing "badidea" - maybe sending same keys to Chrome Headless has the same effect?

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unverified 6y, 275d ago

Seems like your chrome test in your checking page always returns a pass because you have an element with the "chrome" id in the page.

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evan 6y, 275d ago

Ah, good call. I stand corrected.

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paulirish 6y, 275d ago

I set up a github repo where the headless detection attempts can fight directly against the evasions detailed above:

Evan, thanks for the test-headless-final.js, I was able to reuse this pretty directly.

Currently the headless detectors are winning and have outwitted the sneaky detection evaders. But I can imagine that can change...

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Si3GytR7 6y, 169d ago

Thanks for the great article! I ran test-headless-final.js from the repo but chrome test didn't pass. I've used the same puppeteer version. Have you changed the test page?

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Si3GytR7 6y, 169d ago

By replacing = {
  runtime: {},
  // etc.

with = {
  runtime: {},
  // etc.

the test passed.

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unverified 5y, 313d ago

Thank you for this; was scratching my head.

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unverified 6y, 112d ago

Very usefull. Of course, website owner cannot win against scrapers. In a case, we see out website scraped from a pool of over 1000 differents ip, with different UA and passed all our bot tests... We catched only because this fake ips are all on the same class b subnet . But of course, we should have close out some legit users... So no win-win solutions

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unverified 6y, 108d ago [edited]

I have tried the solution for navigator.webdriver, as I am running selenium- not headless but this flag is still True, using the javascript injection to chrome before page load, I do see the script runs before the page load, and the flag is changing, but right after I get into the next javascript (the test page one) the flag is changed again.

This is the only line I am using in my injecting.js:

Object.defineProperty(navigator, 'webdriver', {get: () => false,});

Thanks for the help... I am still looking

EDIT: I have found a solution using selenium only.

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evan 6y, 90d ago [edited]

You're likely running into an extension sandboxing issue here. The content script context will be sandboxed from the page context. You'll need to inject a script tag into the page's DOM to evaluate code outside of the sandbox. Here's an example of how you can do so:

const script = document.createElement('script');
script.innerHTML = 'alert("Do something else in here.")';
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unverified 6y, 23d ago

I am experiencing the same problem with you. How did you fix it ? I have tried evan's following method (document.head.prepend(script)), just got an error 'Cannot read property 'prepend' of null'. It seems that content script running at 'document_start', seems too early to get 'head' of DOM. I am from China, waiting for your answer.Thank you very much.

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evan 6y, 23d ago

Yeah, you need to use document.documentElement instead of document.head if you're running at document_start. You should check out Breaking Out of the Chrome/WebExtension Sandbox for a lot more details on how to do this properly.

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unverified 6y, 100d ago

Why the webdriver property is getting reset on loading your test urls?

// Hide the Webdriver Browser property
async function hideWebdriverBrowserProperty(page) {
    await page.evaluateOnNewDocument(() => {
        Object.defineProperty(navigator, 'webdriver', {
           get: () => false,


/* The below statement returns 'true' for 'isWebDriverHidden' */
let isWebDriverHidden = await page.evaluate(() => navigator.webdriver);
console.log(isWebDriverHidden === true ? CORRECT_UTF : WRONG_UTF, 'Webdriver: ', isWebDriverHidden);

await page2.goto('', {waitUntil: 'networkidle0'});
await page2.goto('', {waitUntil: 'networkidle0'});

/* The below statment always returns 'false' for 'isWebDriverHidden'. Why? */
isWebDriverHidden = await page.evaluate(() => navigator.webdriver); 
console.log(isWebDriverHidden === true ? CORRECT_UTF : WRONG_UTF, 'Webdriver: ', isWebDriverHidden);
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evan 6y, 90d ago

Could you provide some more details? Are you using the Puppeteer code from above?

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unverified 6y, 93d ago

I have tried to implement the navigator.webdriver code into an extension for Selenium in Chrome, however I get a very weird result, when I push an alert with alert("navigator.webdriver") it returns false, however the test still picks it up as being true. Any idea why this is?

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evan 6y, 90d ago [edited]

If you're using a Web Extension, then the content script context will be sandboxed from the page context. You'll need to inject a script tag into the page's DOM to evaluate code outside of the sandbox. Here's an example of how you can do so:

const script = document.createElement('script');
script.innerHTML = 'alert("Do something else in here.")';
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unverified 6y, 90d ago


I read all your posts regarding how to avoid headless detection. I was able to obtain an unique working script with both first and second set of test by using puppeteer and chromium. Now after reading how to inject javascript with selenium and marionette with firefox, I'm trying to obtain a script that is able to bypass both previous test with firefox. I already tried both solutions via execute_async_script and via web extension since firefox supports it also in headless mode differently to chromium without success.

Can you point out how to achieve the same result of chromium with firefox? Is there documentation that I can follow?

Thank you

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evan 6y, 90d ago

Did you run into issues using a Web Extension to inject the scripts with Firefox? I think that's the most reliable way to evaluate code in Firefox before the page's JavaScript has a chance to run.

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unverified 6y, 75d ago

Hi, thank you for the interesting guide. However, I found that some Web site like uses distil technology and these countermeasure does not work. Maybe, they detect mouse movement or clicking activity What do you think about?

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evan 6y, 75d ago

The bypasses here are designed to get around a specific set of tests. Distil runs different tests, and you'll need to adapt the general techniques to work with their specific tests. You can either use a tool like OpenWPM to try to figure out what browser properties that they're probing, or you could attempt to reverse engineer the JavaScript tests that they run in the page.

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unverified 6y, 54d ago

Hi also interested in the topic of Javascript Fingerprinting, is there any resources you find particularly helpful?. I've gone through OpenWMP but its a little difficult being in all python and coming from just a javascript background. Thanks alot for these articles they are very informative.

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evan 6y, 54d ago

We actually have a really cool open-source JavaScript library in the works for detecting and analyzing browser fingerprinting. It's not quite ready for prime time, but it should hopefully be made public at some point in the next few months. In the meantime, Don't FingerPrint Me (DFPM) is a very useful Chrome extension that detects certain subsets of fingerprinting.

I'm glad to hear that you find the articles informative!

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unverified 6y, 43d ago

Does your proxy bypass DIsitil detection? Thanks!

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evan 6y, 40d ago

We provide clean residential IPs and make it very easy to render responses in full browsers with randomized footprints. It's hard to say that this fully bypasses detection because bot-mitigation services also depend on traffic patterns and a variety of other factors. Our service definitely does makes scraping much harder to detect though, and we employ techniques that go far beyond what we've written about on our blog.

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unverified 5y, 60d ago

While I'm sure you enjoy the SEO from the title of this article. It is a false statement, by your own admission. You should rename the article or include a note about distil networks. The premise "IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO DETECT AND BLOCK CHROME HEADLESS" is unture, as distil networks is able to very efficiently.

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evan 4y, 343d ago

I assure you that it's completely possible to get around Distil if you're motivated to do so. The point of this post isn't that it's a drop-in solution to every detection attempt. The point is more along the lines that any set of tests are fragile, and it's always possible to work around them.

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unverified 6y, 47d ago

Thanks for these useful tips !

I was wondering how we could implement this part "we could mock the plugins", as it doesn't seem possible to either use the PluginArray or Plugin interfaces constructors to create new PluginArray and Plugin objects.

The idea would be to have a real PluginArray object instead of a just a random array with integers, when overwriting the 'plugins' property.

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evan 6y, 46d ago

You can't construct actual PluginArray or Plugin objects, but you can create your own objects which mock the same APIs and would pass any sort of testing that's applied. For example,

function MyPlugin () { }
const plugin = new MyPlugin();
Object.setPrototypeOf(plugin, Plugin.prototype);
// Outputs: true
console.log(plugin instanceof Plugin);

will create a plugin object that appears to be a Plugin. You would need to set whatever properties you are interested in mocking to make it seem more like a real plugin.

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unverified 6y, 10d ago

I was really hoping this would help me get my scraper for Citi's website working again. I want to scrape for my account balance and transaction info, but as of Oct 1st, my selenium script gets blocked.

FWIW, I get a traceback from citi's fingerprinter because the plugin objects don't have a filename attribute, so I changed the plugin workaround to:

        // Overwrite the `plugins` property to use a custom getter.
        Object.defineProperty(navigator, 'plugins', {
          // This just needs to have `length > 0` for the current test,
          // but we could mock the plugins too if necessary.
          get: () => [

I don't get the traceback anymore, but something is still giving me away, cuz I still get blocked.

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evan 5y, 319d ago

Yeah, the bypasses developed here were designed to address a specific test suite that only checked the plugin lengths. The simplistic mocks can cause problems if the test code explores the plugins in more detail. I recommend using a debugger to see what exactly they're checking.

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unverified 6y, 5d ago

A very interesting article. I've implemented the ideas shown but for one site that I am trying to scrape, it uses google recaptcha invisible and shows the captcha popup when I run my scrape code from my server but not from my dev machine. Have you had any luck convincing google recaptcha is a human?

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evan 5y, 319d ago

If the same code is working on one machine, but not another, then this is likely either due to the IP address or information about the underlying OS leaking. Are you using the same proxy service on both machines?

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unverified 5y, 312d ago

What about the $cdc and $wdc variables in Selenium's jar. Don't those need to be hex edited out?

Also, its my understanding that navigator.webdriver = false should instead return 'undefined' instead of false.

I believe this article may be a little out of date.

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evan 5y, 312d ago

The examples in this article use Puppeteer rather than Selenium. The cdc and wdc variables are only relevant when working with Selenium.

The value of navigator.webdriver should depend on what the spoofed user agent is. It's false for Firefox and undefined for Chrome. The code bypasses in the article were all written in response to a specific test suite that only checked whether navigator.webdriver had a truthy value. With more sophisticated fingerprinting approaches, you'll need to more completely emulate a realistic browser fingerprint.

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unverified 5y, 266d ago

That's what I thought, but this site seems to block most attempts from Chromium and Headless Chrome... any idea how to crawl it?

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unverified 5y, 262d ago

Evan, thanks for the great info / blogs. Do you have an example of doing this for Selenium with Headless Chrome instead of Puppeteer. Specifically where and how you set Object.defineProperty(navigator, 'webdriver', {get: () => false,.


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evan 5y, 249d ago

We have another post on injecting JavaScript using various browser automation frameworks. I think that the best overall approach for Selenium is to use a browser extension if you want your script to execute before scripts on the page. The only tricky part about that is that the navigator properties are sandboxed, so you can't directly modify them to change the browser fingerprint. We have a workaround for that in this other post.

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WR1ELqFF 5y, 243d ago

through the following address test, I found that Chrome = missing(failed)


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evan 5y, 242d ago

Can you post the exact code that you're running there?

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1Do4y5JH 5y, 241d ago [edited]

I would like to suggest add configurable: true to the descriptor object used by Object.defineProperty. According to my experience, if you invoke Object.defineProperty twice to define a property, the second time raises an TypeError saying that Cannot redefine property: blablabla. If you pass configurable: true, this error will disappear, and things work fine, which means that they can't detect you this way.

EDIT: I'm not sure about the correct behavior of the navigator.webdriver property. If originally it shouldn't be configurable in the normal mode, then we shouldn't add configurable: true.

EDIT++: On my Chrome (72.0.3626.109), the default value of navigator.webdriver is undefined.

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unverified 5y, 95d ago

You're doing a good thing here mate. Appreciate the widsom, needed some help with that javascript and couldn't find any actual code. Thanks!

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unverified 5y, 55d ago [edited]

I found out that Accept-Language header was missing when headless: true even using proposed setup. I solved the problem by adding --lang=en-US

let settings = [
browser = await puppeteer.launch({headless: true, args: settings});

Without this, even with proposed setup, i had trouble bypassing some sites. For example Avvo. Avvo was doing great when headless: false but when headless: true i couldn't pass even single page.

Lack of that header i figured out after comparing request made via headless chrome using You can check details at this link

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unverified 5y, 19d ago

Nice article but to get around the navigator.webdriver issue, it's as easy as adding enable-automation to the excludeSwitches chrome option.

so (I'm using Nodejs Webdriver):

const options = new chrome.Options();

Checking in the developer tool shows undefined

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