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Brian Cerveny 10y, 312d ago

In Dash 2 I had to change dash://man:$* to dash://manpages:$*

Thanks! This is a tip I will use daily.

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ttscoff 10y, 312d ago

I probably shortened the shortcut and forgot, I do that with all of my docsets. Ruby is rb:, JavaScript is js:, etc. I recommend it :).

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kavu 10y, 313d ago

If you change the bash special parameter `$@` to `$*` you won't need the urlencoding command substitution.

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ttscoff 10y, 313d ago

you're right (just tried it) but why? What's the difference in the output between them?

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kavu 10y, 313d ago

When `$@` is in double quotes the arguments are split on the first character of IFS (by default a space) and each argument is individually quoted, but with `$*` in double quotes no word splitting occurs and the entire string of arguments is quoted. URLs are one of the few times that it is preferable to use`$*` than `$@`.

These 2 sites have everything there is to know about *good* bash scripting:

2. (Bash Guide, Bash Pitfalls and Bash FAQ)

Bash LaunchBar search template:

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ttscoff 10y, 313d ago


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