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Wil 12y, 18d ago

You saved me an hour of work tonight.  AWESOME...thanks!

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Benjamin Alexander 12y, 71d ago

Why won't you tell why!??

Inquiring minds want to know.

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zettt 12y, 71d ago

Funny, I've been doing something similar some years ago. Also in Ruby and also using CSV's. "Resurrected" the project when we made the new Auto Correct groups for TextExpander 4.  

Yours is much better written though. I don't want to look at my script anymore.

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Lauri Ranta 12y, 75d ago

The script isn't escaping the contents or abbreviations of snippets. If some snippet contains < or >, TextExpander refuses to import the output file.

In case someone has missed it, TextExpander can also import CSV and TSV files directly. Save a file like this with a txt or csv (or tsv) extension and select it from File > Add Group From File.


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ttscoff 12y, 75d ago

I love it when you do that.

In the case of my project yesterday, a straight import wouldn't have worked, additional CSS parsing had to be done. Then I forgot that it would work with simpler CSV files, so thanks for the reminder.

I'll add escaping to the script, just in case someone still needs it.

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