Dear Brett, I am lost. I am using Day One (and your Marked + nvAlt) for a long time.
I have used "@tag" for tags very often, and now, when tags have been added, there is no "search & replace" in DayOne for replacing "@" for "#".
I am probably not able to install/use slogger etc. Is there some simplier way to replace all "@" for "#"s in the database?
Thank you!
Tom, I would suggest to hold on. I'm pretty sure Brett or someone will come up with a solution to this problem. Right now Slogger has been updated to support the new syntax. Older entries still have the old @ style though.
If you don't know how to use search & replace over a large amount of files, wait. If you can't (or don't want to) wait try something like TextWrangler which has Multi-File Search (& Replace).