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Zettt 13y, 187d ago

Hi Brett, I was using your Automator Workflow ever since you published it. Today, however, I was so annoyed by it that I decided to do some adjustments. My main problem is/was that the workflow I was using doesn't process multiple apps and that it uses the default icon name file, which is a problem since Google and use app.icns as their icon file name. So this script would overwrite existing icons. I also made this a Service.

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Have a great day,

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Jono 14y, 5d ago

Ah, OK thanks.

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Jono 14y, 6d ago

Very useful, thanks!

Is there any way to make Automator pop up a window asking which icon size you'd like to convert, you type in 128, 512, or whatever and it saves that size as a .png to the Desktop?

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Brett 14y, 6d ago

You can use a "Request Text" action and let the user type in a number to pass on, but you can't do a popup or anything with the built-in actions.

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