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dizzy 12y, 84d ago

I just started using Sublime and Marked. I've installed the Markdown Editing pack, but get this error upon re-opening Sublime: Error loading colour scheme Packages/MarkdownEditing/MarkdownEditor.tmTheme: Error parsing plist xml: Failed to open file In file "Packages/MarkdownEditing/MarkdownEditor.tmTheme"

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dizzy 12y, 84d ago

Oops nevermind. I just saw the earlier thread about the folder needing to be named MarkdownEditing.

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Thomas 12y, 141d ago

I love this plugin. Thanks for the work you've put into this!

One question though. Do you know if there's a way to have the background color for 'code' blocks stop at the word-wrap limit? Now it goes on for the width of the window.

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Ben Roe 12y, 167d ago

Thanks a lot for the great bundle.
PS i am a big fan of nvALT. Please add this markdown features to nvALT!

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Ja'far 12y, 187d ago

Thanks Brett. This makes Sublime Text 2 a very pretty editor to use. So long TextMate.

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resting 12y, 194d ago

Just installed the plugin cause it looks nice. However the fonts are too bad for my taste. But I can't change it in MultiMarkdown.sublime-settings. Tried copying the file to Packages/User/MultiMarkdown.sublime-settings with only the font_size setting, doesn't work either.

Anyway I can change the size? Thanks.

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resting 12y, 194d ago

Ah..I copied the wrong file. Copied Markdown.sublime-settings did the trick. This is cool.

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resting 12y, 194d ago

Sorry typo. I meant the font size are too big for my taste.

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Gabe 12y, 244d ago

One more item. I noticed that a "


pre>" tag breaks all the theme formatting after it, even after the closing tag.

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Gabe 12y, 244d ago

Did you notice that the custom keybindings stopped working after the latest Sublime update? I think they are being superseded by the defaults.

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Xavier 12y, 247d ago

Ahhh, great! Thanks for the awesome package. Much easier to read/edit stuff now :]

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Phil Gyford 12y, 251d ago

No, the settings file stays in the same place (Packages/MarkdownEditing/). But I made a copy, containing just the elements I want to override, in Packages/User/.

I initially thought the general Packages/User/Preferences.sublime-settings would override the package's settings, but it doesn't. However, Packages/User/Markdown.sublime-settings does.

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Phil Gyford 12y, 252d ago

I figured it out! I copied the Markdown.sublime-settings file into Packages/User/ , removed all the settings I didn't mind staying the same, and then changed the ones (like font_size) that I wanted to tweak. That did the job. The hierarchy of SublimeText settings files is confusing me... Thanks for a nice package.

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Brett 12y, 252d ago

So moving the settings file up a level in the folder hierarchy solved the issue? That's weird…

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Phil Gyford 12y, 253d ago

I might be missing something, as no one else seems to have this problem, but I can't work out how to change the font size when using this. I have my font_size set to 10 in my user settings, and nothing I've tried reduces the size 15 text in MarkdownEditing - I've tried changing the font_size in the package's settings file, and removing that line entirely. Any suggestions?

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Dan Sheffler 12y, 296d ago

FYI, you might check out the Bullet package for markdown list formatting. It only has basic functionality, but it may be something you could incorporate.

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Brett 12y, 295d ago

Thanks Dan, that's very cool. I was hoping for a head start on figuring out list continuation methods in Python :).

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kilsey 12y, 303d ago

Sidenote to those who have adopted this and found the ⌘+B functionality over-writing the Build option in SB2. You can also use F7 to preview in Marked :)

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Watts Martin 12y, 305d ago

Looks very nice. As much as I like BBEdit, I'm finding myself spending more coding time in ST2 these days -- and I'm also finding myself using Byword for most non-coding writing, so I definitely like the look. (Although I've changed the font to Luxi Mono, which I think is really under-appreciated as a monospaced font for non-code text.)

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Murphy 12y, 305d ago

Thanks for making this! Very helpful to me.

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Dan Woodward 12y, 306d ago

That is just freaking cool. Thanks for sharing.

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Dave 12y, 306d ago

Just curious: Are there features in Sublime Text 2 you're using in your writing that are not available in Byword? ie. Is your goal to be able to use ST2 instead of Byword? Or just that the ST2 experience will be better when you're there?

Right now, I have been using ST2 for code and Byword for writing.

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Brett 12y, 306d ago

I still prefer editing in Byword, I just wanted to make working on Markdown in Sublime a little nicer. I tend to go down these rabbit holes for no conceivable reason.

I do hope to port more of the TextMate blogging functionality to ST2, including metaweblog publishing and some of the Blogsmith Bundle features. For now, I'm just getting my feet wet.

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Roger 12y, 306d ago

Minor typo in the post:

Just download or clone the MarkdownEditing repo into a MarkdownEditor folder

Actually, the folder also needs to be named MarkdownEditing, otherwise a Sublime error message appears.

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Brett 12y, 306d ago

Thanks, that's a typo. Fixing now!

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joshuakarjala 12y, 306d ago

Hey Brett - great work - it would be awesome if you could add MarkdownEditor to "Sublime Packages" - .

It's really nice to be able to manage all ones Sublime Text plugins through one simple in-app interface.

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Brett 12y, 306d ago

Definitely will, just wanted to flesh it out a little more before I make it "official".

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Vladimir Starkov 12y, 142d ago

I'm happy with your package.
Six months passed since last request to add plugin to package manager, so maybe MarkdownEditing became official?

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Josh Brown 12y, 265d ago

I second the request to add it to the Package Manager - I'd really like to use it, but I'm going to wait until it's there. Let us know when that happens.

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