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Bob Frankel 9y, 349d ago

You and all of your friends keep menchening GatHoob or Git, what da fuq do you think we are? Idiots? Well if I want to smoke a bunch of crack cocaine and watch code deteriorate before my very eyes... sure.. I will write a Javascript on GatHoob,

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Bob Frankel 9y, 349d ago

And another thing. If I here one more jackash talk about CSS ima blowup a building. In life there are only two colors, black and white, and things are either needing two asterisks or slants, or maybe underscores. It's jerks like you who invent shit like the blink tag and then you wonder why everybody over 50 doesn't know how to use a computer these days. I go to a modern web pge and it's like I have spend 15 minutes just understanding where to look on the screen. 15 ad's, 4 navigations, comment boxes from people like "Bob Frankel" and other idiots, look at the perople below me.. they're idiots. I just want to read the god damened text why supposedly underlies a principal in reality which can be communicated. Modern day websites would have been more effective than real encryption ciphers of the 1930's for communicating secret messages. Fuck gathoob. Fuck javascript.

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Oliver Schrenk 9y, 358d ago

I hope you don't mind that I added the quicklook plugin to homebrew cask. It allows you to install the plugin from the command line via homebrew:

brew cask install ttscoff-mmd-quicklook


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ttscoff 9y, 358d ago

Love it. I'll check with Fletcher, but I don't think that's a problem at all.

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Oliver 9y, 359d ago

Thanks for doing this! Can I ask what the license for this project is?

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ttscoff 9y, 362d ago

Very good idea. I'll do that soon.

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Evan Lovely 10y, 3d ago

Love the table of contents!! Anyway to get syntax highlighting?

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ttscoff 10y, 3d ago

you could crib from one of the code preview plugins, but I don't plan to add it. If I want the full treatment, I'll open it in Marked :).

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Evan Lovely 10y, 3d ago

Can QuickLook plugins include JavaScript like `hightlight.js`? PS Marked's syntax highlighting is so well done; nice work :)

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ttscoff 10y, 3d ago

Not externally, but you could embed it in the html when generated. It would be a lot of WebKit processing for a simple overlay preview…

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