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Paul Elms 11y, 55d ago

Hi Brett. Thanks for the nice tools like tagfiler. Sorry for my english. I did not get to fix one problem with tag filer, please help me understand. If I run tagfiler in terminal , everything works fine. But if it gets out of Hazel or launchd , then there is a problem with the cyrillic (utf8) in file names (code breaks down somewhere in the line 121). For example, Test4 broken in this snippet:"Test1: " + primary_target)"Test2: " + File.basename(file_path))"Test3: " + File.join("кириллица1","кириллица2"))"Test4: " + File.join(primary_target,File.basename(file_path)))

$ cat TagFiler.log
# Logfile created on 2014-01-24 10:53:05 +0600 by logger.rb/36483
I, [2014-01-24T10:53:06.057486 #39646] INFO -- : Error: No :tags found for /Users/paul/Desktop/Расписание поликлиника.jpg
I, [2014-01-24T10:53:06.057631 #39646] INFO -- : Test1: /Users/paul/Dropbox/База знаний
I, [2014-01-24T10:53:06.057678 #39646] INFO -- : Test2: Расписание поликлиника.jpg
I, [2014-01-24T10:53:06.057715 #39646] INFO -- : Test3: кириллица1/кириллица2
I, [2014-01-24T10:53:08.577238 #39657] INFO -- : Error: No :tags found for /Users/paul/Desktop/Расписание поликлиника.jpg
I, [2014-01-24T10:53:08.577410 #39657] INFO -- : Test1: /Users/paul/Dropbox/База знаний
I, [2014-01-24T10:53:08.577457 #39657] INFO -- : Test2: Расписание поликлиника.jpg
I, [2014-01-24T10:53:08.577496 #39657] INFO -- : Test3: кириллица1/кириллица2

Thanks in advance. I broke my brain in attempt to fix it.

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Bill Moore 11y, 84d ago

Expand to mapped Drobo 5N?

Wondering if there is a way to expand this to do the same thing when a folder is tagged with a #(STRING) on my Drobo 5N? Any thoughts.. Love this tool --

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ttscoff 11y, 82d ago

It will work on any folder you point Hazel to. Are you running into a specific issue?

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Bill Moore 11y, 82d ago

Yeah I have my Drobo 5N connected to my mbp and I have tagged a the folder labeled "test" as "=test" and when I put a file on my desktop (which is where my haxel rule is pointing) with the tag #test nothing happens. I have tested this and it works on my local drive just seems to be something with the network attached folders. Not sure if this helps..

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ttscoff 11y, 82d ago

Tagging only works on Spotlight-indexed folders. Do you index your network drives?

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Bill Moore 11y, 81d ago

Just included my afp mount into spotlight and still not working.. I used the following:
sudo mdutil /Volumes/DROBOAFP -a on

Is there something else you recommend.. I have been searching for solutions but cant seem to locate -- apologies in advance for newbie ??'s

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Bill Moore 11y, 82d ago

I dont index the mounted drive... I thought that is why -- I have played around with ways to do this but have not located one.. Still looking.. Love the tag filer is it seems to work great.

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