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Business mentor 12y, 159d ago

I tried dragging the image and it worked fine. Thanks for the useful post.

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Andy Polaine 12y, 167d ago

I'm having the same problem as the others. The XHTML Header in the note itself works, although I needed to put the trailing slash in /Dropbox/linkedimages/ but I can't get the template.html version to work with either a template in the Notational Velocity folder or nvALT folder (there was no template in here originally either).

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Ron 12y, 172d ago


There was no 'template.html' file in the Application Support folder (the entire folder is empty). Will it hurt anything to create a standard HTML structured file just to add the tag?

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Ron 12y, 172d ago

Nevermind, I grabbed template.html from the github repo.

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Paul 12y, 172d ago

Hi Brett,

I can't really get this to work.

First, there was no template.html in the ~/Library/Application Support/nvALT/ directory. I copied the one from the Notational Velocity directory.

<li>I get images if I drag and drop them on the note. </li>
<li>If I add the XHTML line in the note itself, the preview shows a broken image link (and the base tag doesn't seem to be added to the url for the image in the HTML export)</li>
<li>If I add the XHTML line in the template, i don't see it on the HTML export (and the preview is still broken)</li>

I'm probably doing something wrong but I'm stumped as to what. Any idea where I could look to try to debug this?

Thanks for any help

Cheers and thanks for the tools

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Juha Ranta 12y, 169d ago

Paul, I have exactly the same problem. I have set the notes database as single text files in a Dropbox folder. I tried to remove all files with nvALT or Notational Velocity in them from ~/Library, and also all "Notes & Settings" files, but nvALT never creates the template.html and it never seems to pick up the changes I've made in the template.html I created by hand.

Oh well, I happen to have all my images in ~/Dropbox/Documents/Images, and the way nvALT 2.2 seems to work now, it somehow figures ~/Dropbox/Documents is the default base url, so I can refer to the pics with "Images/pic.gif".

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