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Foomandoonian 12y, 10d ago

The timing of the actual AeroPress bit I actually have pretty much down to a fine art, it's the knowing how long to leave my kettle off the boil that I keep misestimating. It would also be nice to have a coffee bean grinder timer.

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brandonwentland 12y, 11d ago

Great app thanks.

What temprature should the water be? I can never remember this and wish the app had a general information section.

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ttscoff 12y, 11d ago

"According to the SCAA, the optimal water temperature for coffee is 92 - 96C (197.6 - 204.8F) for 90% of the contact time."
I usually heat to 206°F and let it cool for a few seconds before blooming.

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LeAlan Carter 12y, 12d ago

It really is a great app, I've used it everyday since it's release so far. 

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