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Pedro Lobo 12y, 53d ago

Hey Brett,

The new Alfred 2, with results feedback allows for great workflows. Here's a link ( to one I made that searches the app store (Mac and iOS). Hitting enter copies a markdown formatted link with your affiliate code. Another user has made one for iTunes (Music and movies).

Just a little teaser to see if we can't get you on the Alfred bandwagon! ;)

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jochen 12y, 57d ago

"I couldn’t find an easy way to differentiate between the two types of url…"
I just did a couple of tests, but all of those showed a url ending with "mt=8" for an iTunes-link and with "mt=12" for a MAS-one. Can anybody confirm that?

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Vynce 12y, 57d ago

I use this GreaseMonkey script to stop iTunes and MAS from auto-opening on load.

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