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Stelian Iancu 11y, 343d ago

How can I change the search scope? My notes are not in nvALT2.2! I tried to double click on that field, to press Enter on it, nothing. Any ideas?

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Thomas Hesmer 11y, 352d ago


I tried the updated workflow. I put my txt files in Boxcryptor inside Dropbox. Searching for Tags won't give me any feedback at all. However, after I change the Metadata Field to "kMDItemTitle" I'm getting results and can access them correctly via Alfred. Actually I like the very much, however tags should work as well.

Any clue?

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Jeff Porter 12y, 1d ago

Update 1.2 fixes things.

Many thanks.

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Jeff Porter 12y, 2d ago

I’ve set Search Scope to the Dropbox folder containing my text files.

The results in Alfred appear to be all documents whose ‘filenames’ include the ‘tag’ I added after inputting 'nvt tagname', e.g. it appears to be searching the filenames not the tags.

When I hit return without selecting a result in Alfred, I’m taken to the first item in the list, which inputs the full filename, including the .txt extension, into nvALT.

Maybe I’ve missed something.

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