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Hi Brett,
what's your personal take on menu items ?
What formatting (if any) do you use for them ?
ASG state that they should be separated by `>` like
File > Save as
As I keep inline code for `/paths`, I'm tempted to write menu items in **strong** (but it feels a bit too strong...) or _emphasis_ (but I don't find it so readable).
I've seen you use double quote marks (").
Is that your default approach ?
I have this same question. I've found that strong formatting on menu items is the easiest to read, but I've never decided whether I prefer to bold the separator (>) as well. I've also come to wrap paths in code when I'm referring to a POSIX path because it's easier to ensure that hyphenation and unnecessary line breaks dont happen within the path, but without the right styling it doesn't look a lot better. If the path is listed as a Finder path (with colon separators), I'll generally use quotes, but that's been a very inconsistent pattern for me.