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unverified 4y, 251d ago

Get the best Epson Printer Troubleshooting help from the experts and resolve all your Epson printer issues within no time. We are available 24/7. For more info:-

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unverified 4y, 269d ago

Don’t get stressed if you are facing issues with HP Printer Troubleshooting, we are there for you to provide you the most extravagant services. For more info:-

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unverified 4y, 278d ago

Dell Printer facing technical malfunction contact our expert technician and get the Dell Printer Troubleshooting help anywhere in the world. For more info:-

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maclm 9y, 148d ago

Hi Brett,

what's your personal take on menu items ?
What formatting (if any) do you use for them ?
ASG state that they should be separated by `>` like

File > Save as

As I keep inline code for `/paths`, I'm tempted to write menu items in **strong** (but it feels a bit too strong...) or _emphasis_ (but I don't find it so readable).
I've seen you use double quote marks (").
Is that your default approach ?

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ttscoff 9y, 148d ago

I have this same question. I've found that strong formatting on menu items is the easiest to read, but I've never decided whether I prefer to bold the separator (>) as well. I've also come to wrap paths in code when I'm referring to a POSIX path because it's easier to ensure that hyphenation and unnecessary line breaks dont happen within the path, but without the right styling it doesn't look a lot better. If the path is listed as a Finder path (with colon separators), I'll generally use quotes, but that's been a very inconsistent pattern for me.

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