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Richard 14y, 6d ago

I've been using the standard version of NV for a while now with Simplenote. Based on recommendations I saw online I tried out your alternate version. One problem:
Upon launch it gives me a window warning that the database was created by a newer version of NV (the original, I presume) and “do I want to continue, as some settings and metadata will be lost?”. I've selected the Continue button but it just quits.

Any suggestions? Thanks a lot, I look forward to working with the latest version of your app.

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Yongli 14y, 8d ago

OK. You said you were working with, but I cannot see his progress anywhere, and I can't find anything new on "". That's why I assumed that he and you were keeping your progress closed.

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Brett 14y, 8d ago

Valid reaction, but not my intention. I just haven't had any branches that were stable yet, and I try to only push to GitHub when I'm at a taggable point. I'm talking to ElasticThreads about setting up our own repository for code sharing as we develop, but I'd like to keep pushing our combined changes back to GitHub. I'm still not sure how that's going to pan out in the end, but it's not intended to be hidden development.

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Yongli 14y, 8d ago

Why are you and elasticthreads working on these changes by yourselves, behind the back of the developer(s) of Notational Velocity? I imagine your ideas could have been much further along in implementation if you consulted with people who are actually knowledgable about the program. It's hard to see how the project can thrive when you're taking an outsider perspective, especially to the point where it's clearly been slowing you down.

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Brett 14y, 8d ago

Speaking only for myself: I have never worked "behind the back" of Scrod. My code has always been available, I've just never been happy enough with my code to directly ask him to pull it into the original. But he's fully aware of it and the changes I've made.

ElasticThreads and I are experimenting and creating things that we don't think are necessarily part of the Notational Velocity goal. We're exploring possibilities. If we come up with something great, we're happy to see it pulled into the main version.

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David Sparks 14y, 9d ago

Thanks Brett. I, for one, plan to wet myself when NV alt gets sorted out. D

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