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Pierre lhoste 12y, 209d ago

I can't believe I just read that entire post, and the "referenced" post too, just to make sure i didn't miss something. So i'm gonna comment, and it's gonna hurt.

Who cares what john doe thinks of your workflow, awesome app suggestions,...

Just in cas you need some reassurance (which I guess your site's analytics show you on a daily basis that you don't), I discovered nvalt thx to your blog and since then have been using it in addition to the most amazing, feature rich, soooo mac i could die,...Vim editor (which folds md & mmd very well :). Nvalt is the best thing that happened to me since Vi back in the day (and i'll add that Notesy (bang, who on earth made me buy that one, try a guess ?...) is the only superior to nvalt for it can use folders).
I bought Marked without a second thought cause i can integrate it in Vim with a snap of the fingers (on the home row if you please) and i can export professional looking html i can email my co-workers.
I bought so many of those do-one-thing apps (80% of which i don't use but shit happens), after reading Web excursions,... And all i all, that's a lot of fun:)

However, (and it's a big However), know that :


i can't stand what Amanda said about my first Lego starship back in kindergarden, caus she said it had no door, and that i should add one, and that really got me pissed because i didn't intend to step into the damn thing to begin with before it was less than 1 foot long !


one day, i ate butter and mustard at the same time just to try, and it didn't make sense then, and it doesn't now either and every single time i remember that, i'm at a loss what to think, or do, or what os to migrate too.


That needed be said.

Cheers ! (& thx for a very enjoyable blog!)

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metafour 12y, 209d ago

Can you define what you mean by "headline navigation" in Byword? I looked around for a bit but couldn't find any keyboard shortcuts or documentation on how to do this based on what I thought this means.

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Bad Uncle Leo 12y, 209d ago

Thanks, Brett, I'll take this one, as repayment for all the useful stuff you've showed us.

If you know Markdown then you know that you've got a lot of 'headlines" or head titled sections of your document.. It's like h1, h2, but in markdown it's # title, ## title, et cetera.

Good markdown text editors will allow you to jump to these sections via a short list of your main headings, in other words a 'headline navigation' system.

I don't have ByWord, but if you have something like that in it where you can jump around in a long document by heading... then you have "headline navigation." If not then no.


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metafour 12y, 209d ago

Thanks! That was how I was defining it but I didn't find anything documented in Byword that does this so I thought I'd ask. I'll send a request for this feature to the developers.

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Brett 12y, 209d ago

I may have mispoken on that. I believe I got my feature sets mixed up but don't have my computer at the moment to double check.

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Bob Peaks 12y, 210d ago

Thanks for sharing all that you make. I understand your reasoning for a response, but from what I have seen here everything is explained thoroughly in your blog posts, let alone all the detailed comments you provide for us laymen in the code. Always a pleasure visiting your site and discovering new alternatives/scripts/workflows/knowledge. Anyhow, thanks again for sharing, what seems like, everything you do/make.

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Todd Mundt 12y, 210d ago

You can drop that summary paragraph at the end of your post into TextExpander (which, last I checked, doesn't have a calendar view) because those five sentences explain what you do, why you do it, why some small percentage of people may be confused by your work, and why so many of us find it indispensable.

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Brandon Pittman 12y, 210d ago

I didn't quite get what his deal was. It was like you gave him a really nice knife and then he asked you, "But what do I use it for!?"

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Brett 12y, 210d ago

George isn't alone, though. I throw a lot of stuff against the wall to see what sticks, and it leaves a good number of people wondering what to actually try. Historically, my readers have always been like me, happy to just dig in and figure it out. As my visibility increases, though, I'm getting a lot of people who are looking more for my solutions, not just a journal of my exploits. I feel that's a valid expectation, given that it only requires a couple extra sentences from me in the end.

This response is public because George's questions echo a sentiment I've heard from multiple directions lately. It's not meant to call him out on anything, just a way to answer a bunch of questions at once.

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Ronn 12y, 210d ago

I, for one, appreciate your willingness and graciousness in sharing all that you do. Some of it works for me, some of it doesn't fit a need and some (really a lot) is over my head.

I simply use what I want and leave the rest.

Thanks for all you do!

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