Very cool script. It solves an ongoing problem that has been bugging me for some time.
I tried to run the script after editing my user name, password and creating the target folder directory but keep coming up with the following error
error "curl: (3) [globbing] error: bad range specification after pos 27
" number 3
I am not a programmer and am not sure what to make of the error.
I'm afraid I have no idea, offhand, what that error would be caused by. It may be failing on some strange characters… unfortunately, I've stopped directly supporting this script and have moved on to the (far more advanced) Pinboard version. I may make that one backwards-compatible with Delicious eventually.
Hi Brett,
I've been running your script once a week for a couple months now, but for whatever, the last week's of bookmarks were created (webLocs) but the tags weren't applied. I'm not sure if this is a result of the most recent Mac update (which has broken a couple other, totally unrelated things on my system).
Anyone else encountering this issue?
I made a full switch to Pinboard recently. I had to stop running this script because Pinboard doesn't honor the fromdt parameter (so it sends everything every time) and I haven't had a chance to add a full XML parser to the script yet. So, long story short, I don't know. I'll do some testing and post back here if I find anything similar.
In Snow Leopard there is a major issue with extended attributes. User space extended attributes are wiped out on save with standart Cocoa applications like TextEdit, Preview etc. OpenMeta apprently circumvent this by copying back the information from Apple domain space to its own user space.
The situation is pretty sad. I had a couple of tools adding metadata to PDF and text files. But these are delete whenever the file is edited with a Cocoa application.
So beware, xattr are broken on 10.6.
This is exactly what I wanted. Thanks for posting this Brett.
I had a few issues though so I modified it quite a bit. Mainly issues with non-roman characters. It lets through more characters only concerning itself with colons, slashes and leading dots and it cleans up the spacing all done with sed. Did a lot of Googling since I'm not an AppleScript/shell expert.
Other improvements/changes:
Creates a log file into ~/Library/Logs with the option to show general messages and/or errors.
Uses openmeta from the command line instead of Tags. I own a copy of Tags but I preferred this approach. Tags will pickup whatever you set through the shell environment.
When setWeblocThumb retrieves a thumbnail it will flag the Finder when the server can't be reached (dead links) by setting a color label index of 7 which is Gray by default.
Option to prefix the tags when carried over from Delicious. I like to keep them separated from my local tags so I set in this option. Defaults to "delicious:".
Saves the notes from Delicious bookmarks into the Finder comments for the .webloc file. Can be switched on/off.
Fixes how the date of last scan is stored. It think there was a bug in there.
Zip file containing an Automator .workflow file & .applescript. Hope you find it useful.
This looks awesome. I'd like to adapt it for Pinboard, but I'm a bit shy about modding scripts; any clues about how to do that most efficiently would be welcome ;)
It looks like the Pinboard API is identical to Delicious, so you can just replace "" in the line:
set bookmarks to do shell script...
with "" and adjust your username/password accordingly. Haven't tested it, but this page indicates that should work:
I too, look for elegant solutions to complex problems.
the problem: using spotlight to find tagged files found in afp shared servers.
I have been up all night and I have to tell you. I'am beat.
So... I'am looking for the 'elegant solution'
(btw I have tried all flavors of mdutil, mdimport - mounting drives all kinds of ways, etc...)
ideas... I thinking about writing an app to search tags in afp folders