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Ryan Gray 14y, 57d ago

Can't seem to find a way in Applescript to get the filename of the current nvALT note. With that I could easily run my own scripts on the file for more involved custom Markdown processing. I'm not really any good with Applescript, so I could be missing something. I can get the window name, but I can't seem to get the document object.

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Brett 14y, 57d ago

The only AppleScript command currently recognized is "search," which just runs your input text in the search bar. I have intentions of expanding the AS dictionary, but I haven't even started to think about it yet. I'll keep you posted, but for now, there's no easy way to do what you want.

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Rob 14y, 67d ago

One more thing: a feature request. I wish I could search by tags sometimes instead of by text. I know I can do this now by sorting by tag, but then I have to scroll all over the place to find the particular tag I'm looking for.

As Hans said above, your app definitely replaced the original NV app on my Mac!

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Brett 14y, 67d ago

Well, given that the original intent of Notational Velocity was to sync with Simplenote, which uses flat storage, handling folders would be more coding work than I think I want to tackle. However, tagging is going to improve (assuming all goes well) and there's a "tag browser" in the works that will allow you to quickly drill down tag searches. Hopefully that will help the situation...

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Rob 14y, 67d ago

If there's one thing Notational Velocity and all forks are missing, it's a common sense way to file those text files. They're all dumped into one big folder. This seems bizarre to me. That would be like iTunes dumping every mp3 in one folder. Instead, iTunes creates subfolders for artist and album. I wish Notational Velocity created subfolders for tags and placed my NV text files in them.

I know we're supposed to be using NV to search, but the idea of the original version of those files all just sitting in one folder is horrifying. If I jot down a recipe for crock pot chicken it's in the same bloated folder as a note I'd save with instructions for my Yashica camera and the note I wrote about a question to remember the next time I see my dentist.

If I ever need to find one of those files in the finder, good friggin' luck! I know they're buried in there somewhere, and sure I can use spotlight, but it seems crazy that I can't go to:
home > notational velocity > photography
home > notational velocity > recipes
home > notational velocity > rememberthis

I agree with the comment above that, if nvALT moves away from being a fork of NV, it'll need a new name, but I assume you're already planning on that. Also, your nvALT icon is great! And your wide screen mode is so much better than the original!

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Hans Bork 14y, 77d ago

Awesome. nvALT has already replaced the original NV for my day-to-day writing and note-taking tasks, but the addition of auto-pairing and list-recognition would be a dream. This is a great project, and I really appreciate what you have done with this app.

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Pascal 14y, 85d ago

I am looking forward to a "living" SimpleNote client for Mac, as the original NV seems to be frozen.

One request though : in order to reduce confusion, could you please use a different icon and application name ?

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Ryan Gray 14y, 98d ago

Nice. So far, I actually like the separate preview window since it auto-hides when switching away. I did change out the stylesheet though to something way simpler. I had knocked up a simple OS X service that would look up a keyword in a special bib.txt file and paste in the reference, so things you describe look interesting. I like the vusion and am looking forward to future developments.

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Joakim Hertze 14y, 98d ago

One thing that would make me happy is it you would consider adding a bit more whitespace to nvALT, so I can breathe when I write. Your fork is already much better than the original, but I still wish for wider margins around the text and more padding in the search result list.

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David G. 14y, 98d ago

Great that you're developing this, Brett. It's one of my favorite programs. One of those things that I find insanely useful without really being able to pinpoint exactly why.

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Christina Warren 14y, 99d ago

Fucking A.

Brett Rules

Seriously, you've just made my geek-staycation all the better!

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Mike R 14y, 100d ago

Can't wait to see what this turns into. I have the special privilege of using one of your tools every day already, so I know NValt is going to rock. :)

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Brett 14y, 100d ago

Mike, I assume you mean RedirectBuster. I hope you're using it for good, not evil. :)

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Mike R 14y, 98d ago

Ha! No, the TM bundle.

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frank 14y, 100d ago

Great thinking, great work. I'm looking forward to the next versions.

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Joakim Hertze 14y, 100d ago

Fantastic. If your vision comes true it will be the icing on my life. I write everything in MMD--usually in Textmate, but I store it in Notational Velocity. Having the writing tools in NV to begin with would be so slick.

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