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Chris L 11y, 360d ago

Never mind...old information. DropBox supports OpenMeta tags.

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ttscoff 11y, 360d ago

Feel free to rewrite the tagging system in nvALT if you like :). Dropbox transports OpenMeta just fine as of about a year and a half ago.

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genji 12y, 3d ago

I'd been wanting to reorganize my nvALT tags and was happy to find this. However, when I run the “makeTagsList” application, enter "txt" as the extension, and point to my notes folder, the following alert appears:

The action "Run Shell Script" encountered an error.
Check the action's properties and try running the workflow again.

Googling that error didn't reveal any useful results. I realize this could be specific to my set up (2008 Mac Pro running OS X 10.7.5 but would be grateful for any suggestions as to how I can get the makeTagsList app to run successfully.


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ttscoff 12y, 3d ago

Open the action in Automator and run it from there. It will give you a little better idea where the result is happening (check the results panel under the run shell action).

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Acky 12y, 32d ago

I hope I'm not missing something, but how can you run makeTagsList automatically without them two dialog popups? Especially because the former entries don't seem to stick.

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Brett Terpstra 12y, 32d ago

Good point. I hadn't actually automated yet, and that's definitely a showstopper. I'll see if I can come up with a way to use the defaults system to store prefs for future runs.

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Nikolaus Hueck 12y, 33d ago

This is really great. Thanks a lot! 
Interestingly the little bug mentioned by Jean is only seen in the tags themselves, not in the titles of the notes.Another little bug: some of my notes are displayed twice. I can't say which or why.

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Brett Terpstra 12y, 32d ago

Displayed twice under different tags? It will list a note with every tag that's on that note...

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Jean 12y, 33d ago

Yes ! A missing feature in nvAlt. Unfortunately it failed to convert accented characters for the html file. Instead of “é” it writes “e\u0301” correction is easy in BBEdit but still a little bug.

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Brett Terpstra 12y, 32d ago

UTF-8 encoding in Ruby is a cluster. I'll see what I can do to smooth it out, but no promises immediately.

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Jiaan Fang 11y, 341d ago

It's not Ruby's fault. Mdls gives output like this


we can convert this unicode values to actual characters.

change this lines:

cmd = %Q{mdls -raw -name kMDItemOMUserTags #{Shellwords.escape(file)}}
tags_raw = %x{#{cmd}}.gsub(/\((.*)\)/m,"\\1")
tags = tags_raw.split("\n").map! {|tag|

to this

cmd = %Q{mdls -raw -name kMDItemOMUserTags #{Shellwords.escape(file)}}
tags_raw = %x{#{cmd}}.gsub(/\((.*)\)/m,"\\1")
re = /\\U[0-9a-fA-F]{4}/
tags_raw = tags_raw.gsub(re) {|match| Array(match[2..5].to_i(16)).pack('U') }

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