I'd been wanting to reorganize my nvALT tags and was happy to find this. However, when I run the “makeTagsList” application, enter "txt" as the extension, and point to my notes folder, the following alert appears:
The action "Run Shell Script" encountered an error.
Check the action's properties and try running the workflow again.
Googling that error didn't reveal any useful results. I realize this could be specific to my set up (2008 Mac Pro running OS X 10.7.5 but would be grateful for any suggestions as to how I can get the makeTagsList app to run successfully.
Yes ! A missing feature in nvAlt. Unfortunately it failed to convert accented characters for the html file. Instead of “é” it writes “e\u0301” correction is easy in BBEdit but still a little bug.
UTF-8 encoding in Ruby is a cluster. I'll see what I can do to smooth it out, but no promises immediately.
It's not Ruby's fault. Mdls gives output like this
we can convert this unicode values to actual characters.
change this lines:
cmd = %Q{mdls -raw -name kMDItemOMUserTags #{Shellwords.escape(file)}}
tags_raw = %x{#{cmd}}.gsub(/\((.*)\)/m,"\\1")
tags = tags_raw.split("\n").map! {|tag|
to this
cmd = %Q{mdls -raw -name kMDItemOMUserTags #{Shellwords.escape(file)}}
tags_raw = %x{#{cmd}}.gsub(/\((.*)\)/m,"\\1")
re = /\\U[0-9a-fA-F]{4}/
tags_raw = tags_raw.gsub(re) {|match| Array(match[2..5].to_i(16)).pack('U') }