Great show! I love how Systematic pairs Brett Terpstra's Übernerd expertise with the diverse experience of his smart, eager-to-learn, and enthusiastic guests.
Good to hear about tagging again and especially that is still being developed (though the mentioned update still hasn't gone live yet). But the big issue is one that Terpstra just sort of glided over: OpenMeta tags don't cross over to iOS. More seriously, in my experience at least, if you open a tagged file in an iOS app and the transfer it back to your Mac, the tags are stripped off. Gone. So, how about a show about how to manage tagging across the OSX/iOS membrane??? Applescripts? Keywords/tags in filenames? Proprietary apps (Sente/Papers2/DevonThink)? And how does this all fit into the dual-mode world of file management that seems to be the future of Apple (the blend of folder-based storage (for the geeks) and app-linked storage (via iCloud for everyone (else?))?