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Daniel Worthington 10y, 333d ago

This blog post is still coming up on Google before the Cupcake website, so I thought I would mention here that its back in the App Store and working for folks who had trouble before.

More info here:

Thanks, Brett for the write up!

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sirshanksalot 10y, 344d ago

I jumped on this immediately but a couple of us discovered that it didn't actually work due to Sandbox app/service signing requirements. The developer has pulled it until resolved but if you purchased already you should contact him on Twitter @cupcakeapp to get a beta version, which I can testify does work as advertised. Great app, keep an eye out for it's return!

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Daniel Worthington 10y, 343d ago

Yes, that’s correct. I hope to have Cupcake back up in the App Store very soon. Apple is currently reviewing the fixed version. I encourage anyone affected to reach out to me on Twitter at @CupcakeApp.

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