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disqus_nuPbdpEYfc 11y, 85d ago

Very cool list. So much for me to check out. Thx for taking the time to share.

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Ted Wise 11y, 86d ago

Out of curiosity, what do you like better about LaunchBar over Alfred? I ask, because I switched to Alfred and haven't missed much of anything from LaunchBar.

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ttscoff 11y, 86d ago

It's purely that of all the things my muscle memory has embedded, it's my launcher that's the hardest to change, and it's one area I just haven't had the motivation to take a temporary dip in productivity while I sort out the new moves. Alfred's syntax has just enough differences that I find it tedious to use. I know for a fact that I'd get as fast as I am with Launchbar if I gave it a solid week or two, but I haven't.

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David Payne PA-C 11y, 86d ago

Wow! Talk about a great post to save and come back to time and again!
Thanks for taking the time Brett, it's MUCH appreciated. This post will prove to be the starting point for evaluating several apps for my own workflows :)

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Elliot Clowes 11y, 87d ago

This is amazing, thanks! So many great looking apps I've somehow never heard of. My poor, poor wallet.

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