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Heather 11y, 244d ago

You are brilliant Brett. Working out doesn't give protective benefits if one is still sitting all day. Better to move throughout the day than sit and try to make up for it in a in a workout (besides, not many of us are likely to do that anyway) " who reported more than 23 hours a week of sedentary activity had a 64 percent greater risk of dying from heart disease than those who reported less than 11 hours a week of sedentary activity. And many of these men routinely exercised. Blair says scientists are just beginning to learn about the risks of a mostly sedentary day."

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Norman 11y, 248d ago

Yes, death does curtail viewing of the WWDC and you'll miss all the cool stuff that's on the way. I am doing a degree and have put on stone and a half due to the inactivity and my pathetic focus in getting to the sweaty narcissist's gym down the road.

'Would LOVE to hear of any positive results Brett et al. 2.2mph doesn't use up heartbeats too quickly and the treadmill shouldn't break the bank... Thanks for the info (and the apps, the advice, the inspiration, the motivation and everything else.)

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Patrick Largen 11y, 259d ago

Great article Brett! I too am a treadmill desk junkie. 2mph is my sweet spot. I have also found that wearing a fitbit is helpful to keep me walking. I hear that Lex Friedman is competitive in this way. Maybe you all ought to strike up a competition.

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brmore 11y, 259d ago

+1 on FitBit ... a sorta arbitrary metric of "how I'm doing"

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ttscoff 11y, 259d ago

My treadmill has counters for each session, and then bluetooth to connect to my iPad and show progressive stats. FitBit shmitbit.

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Patrick Largen 11y, 257d ago

Yeah, but can you compete with others? fitbit ftw! When you get one add me as a friend. (I mean competitor)

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brmore 11y, 262d ago

Ridiculously, I've found 2.2 mph the optimum speed for me to work at ... I found the range you're playing with (0.9-1.5) too slow, and it took active brain cycles to get the foot timing right. Try bumping it up a bit and see if that helps your concentration ... certainly did mine. ... Oh, and I just hit (ugh) 50.

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ttscoff 11y, 262d ago

I found the same thing over the weekend. At about 2mph your gait starts to smooth out and your hands move less.

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Arnau 11y, 264d ago

Hi Brett, you say "A little research got me the specs I needed", I'm interested in knowing my specs. Do you mind to share the link or book or whatever you used?

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ttscoff 11y, 264d ago

It was actually mostly conversations with my Physical Therapist, but you can find much the same advice around the net

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Arnau 11y, 264d ago

Thanks a lot

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David Wang 11y, 264d ago

Hi Brett! I'm a long time reader - first time commenter. Congrats on making the decision to pay more attention to your health! I started using a standing desk 3 years ago but never went the route of a treadmill desk. However, I really started to see results when I decided to take up running. I'm not an active person, and was overweight too. However using a Nike Fuelband and the Couch to 5K program I lost over 10 pounds in 6 months. I honestly think that a treadmill desk is just a half step - if you spend 30 minutes a day, or 1 hour every other day jogging and running you will see better results. I wish you all the best - maybe your treadmill desk will lead you to more physical activity :)

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ttscoff 11y, 264d ago

That's the hope. Right now I can't run. My knees can't take it and the rest of me only lasts about 5 minutes, and that leaves me gasping and sore. I think walking regularly will be the first step to being able to handle more strenuous activity.

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Jeff Porter 11y, 265d ago

Get a dog. Walk the dog. Sit on your ass for the rest of the day. Works for me. 48, still ailve!

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