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I purchased the video, thanks for the discount, and have viewed most of it to this point.
The positives: I've learned to write Markdown and did so fairly quickly -- not everything, but I'm comfortable with the tags I now use daily.
The not quite positive: The videos are edited so tightly that sections within the same chapter don't allow a couple of seconds in between to process the information before moving on to the next chunk. I'm looking at you, Links and Images.
But like I said, I've learned to use what I use, so who am I to complain?
I watched the video and learned a few things, thanks! One thing I liked in particular is learning about a few tools I wasn't aware of.
But here's a question for you: how the hell do you complete a line of "====" just to the length of the preceding line with a keystroke? You do that with the H1 title ("===") and the H2 title ("----"). Or so it seems. Did I see that right?
Brett, I've received a lot of value from your website and tools, so I went ahead and made a purchase to support your tremendous work.
I'm not sure where people are getting $25 from, my total ended up being $31.76 after tax, and sadly, I'm guessing you're only receiving a fraction of that.
List Price Total $49.99
Discounts -$20.00
Shipping Free
Estimated Tax $1.77
Order Total $31.76
Alright, I plowed through the videos and I'm very pleased to have learned a few things, even as a veteran Markdown user.
This title does assume a basic knowledge of HTML and all markdown syntax is explored and demonstrated with this assumption. I feel a second title could better address Word processor users without any knowledge of HTML.
After you get past the basic syntax stuff, the rest of this title is fairly tool heavy and Mac specific, so I would have a hard time recommending this title to my copy editor who's on a PC.
I enjoyed learning more about some of the other Markdown variants (Discount, Kramdown, MultiMarkdown), but the fragmented syntax support has become a bit frustrating. For example, I recently started using Draft (draftin.com) to collaborate on a document and had to change my footnote style since it didn't support inline footnotes.
Overall, thank you Brett. I look forward to more ways to share markdown with others.
Yeah, the fact is there aren't a lot of great Markdown tools for PC, and I don't have much experience with the ones that do exist. As far as fragmented support I think I offered a lot of caveats about that, didn't I? I agree that it's frustrating, though, having to use different syntax everywhere you go, which is the primary problem with all the different "flavors."
Brett, do you have a TOB list link? Nice discount but I'll likely hold off. I'd prefer to have an option to download the video rather than streaming only. Maybe that wasn't your call. I also feel that even at $25 there are enough resources available to piece together any missing markdown pieces that I don't have already.
I'm not trying to discount your work spent making the video or your effort to make money from it, but, honestly, I'd rather send the total bulk of the money your way via projects like Marked and subscription/donations rather than have Peachpit take a cut.
Matt, I'm adding this to your thread but it's not directed entirely at you. BTW, the video will be available as a download/DVD soon. Anyway…
If you support me and my efforts, you don't need to explain why you're not buying one project. Those who need $25 worth of guidance can still benefit. I'm just not understanding why so many are commenting just because it's not of use to them. Let it ride. The fact that it's out there at a price you choose not to pay doesn't seem like something you should feel compelled to decry.
I'll answer to say, absolutely valid point. I should have read all the comment posts first and I would have realized that my original intent of basic feedback (in hindsight probably still better sent in an email) would seem more like a pile-on. I have no doubt there is a market for the video and I'll pass the link on when I can.
The cynic in me wonders if the comments aren't biased by the offer made to Rip Off. ;)
I'll buy the video, and thanks for the 40% off Brett. I'm sure I'll learn something. I've gotten a lot of useful information, tricks, plugins, scripts, etc. from you over the years so this is a no-brainer for me even if, in itself, it's a bit high priced (and I understand from your comments here that you're not the one fixing the price): it's a way to give back for all the work you share for free.
I must admit, though, that my first thought when reading about this was "hey, that would have been one opportunity to make those of us who support him (through subscriptions) to feel special". No worries though :)
I'm an owner of Marked 2 so I know the quality of your work, but 2 things put me off buying this:
- the Peachpit video preview shows virtually none of the actual course so I've really no idea of what I'm buying. I can't find any course content on their site, not even how long the video is - 10 mins, 20 hours?
- I don't want to appear a cheapskate but even with the 40% discount, I think $25 is too much. That's the equivalent to a month of lynda.com and 3 months of screencastsonline.com (with access to the back catalogue). Granted, neither of them cover markdown yet, but I guess it's only a matter of time.
I get it, I really do. If I were selling independently, the price would be less, but I'm not.
The video should be approximately 45 minutes total footage, but split into easily navigable chapters (screenshot of content sections linked below). It's hard for me to know the total length of the edited video because it's not presented in a beginning-to-end format, but in chapters and sections with the ability to bookmark and take notes right in the interface.
There are, in my opinion, 3 people that can and should make money with Markdown :
- John Gruber for inventing it.
- Fletcher Penney for taking it further and making it even more useful with MMD
- and... Brett Terpstra for making such good tools as Marked, NvAlt and all those nifty other gems making the whole concept so much more attractive to users.
That said, offering a 40% off coupon on day one for his hard work really shows what kind of a good guy Brett is. Nothing more to say. Thanks Brett for your hard work and congrats for this video.