Thank you so much for this!
For a while I have wanted something like GrabLinks (and now Bullseye) to "make a selection" of the relevant text from an article (with one click) so I could then have the built in OS X Text to Speech speak it back to me.
I used your script as the foundation for finding the relevant element and just handed it off to some Javascript I have been holding on to from StackOverflow to make the selection.
### Old Workflow
1. Click and drag the mouse (or select at beginning, hold shift, and select at end) to make the relevant selection
2. Hit Cmd-C-Opt-? - which I have tied to "Speak selected text" in System Preferences
### New Workflow (although more steps it is infinitely easier)
1. Hit bookmarklet (or run from Chrome's omnibar)
2. Click on article
3. Hit Cmd-C-Opt-?
My gist: