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Mike R 13y, 330d ago

Just FYI, ffmpeg2theora is not available via brew -- however a lovely Mac OS X binary can be downloaded from the project site.

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Mike R 13y, 330d ago

Also, if you're looking for a GUI tool to handle the transcoding on an as-needed basis, Miro has a nice standalone app for conversion -- http://www.mirovideoconvert...

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Donald Jenkins 13y, 358d ago

Wow Brett! Always coming up with the coolest solutions. Wish I'd had this three days ago as I have literally just finished manually applying the exact setup you automated to about ten videos on my site! Well done.

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Tom Coady 13y, 358d ago

Looks like another excellent tool, thanks for sharing Brett.

I’ve been lazy in the past, relying on vimeo and youtube, but think I should really take control of the whole process and the hosting, and this would be a great way to enable that.

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