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Au Naturel Mel 9y, 317d ago

Oooh, GREAT list, checking it out. Mel at

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Blake Watson 10y, 10d ago

CodeKIt 2 also has a "built in server that can perform automatic refreshes on multiple machines and devices."

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Gabe da Silveira 10y, 10d ago

Hey Brett, thanks for writing this up, you always have amazing tools to share.

One thing I'm struggling with a bit is developing a tagging workflow, and a big part of the reason is that I use nvALT pretty heavily, but it doesn't have a modern tag integration. I asked you about this maybe a year or so ago and you mentioned you were thinking heavily about a post-Mavericks workflow vis-a-vis nvALT. Anyway, I don't want to jump to conclusions, but I noticed you still mentioned nvALT in part 1 of this article, and curious how you make it play with native OS X tagging?

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ttscoff 10y, 10d ago

I'm currently running a private build that does use Finder tags, but the logistics of making a painless switch for all users ended up being more trouble than it was worth, given we're working on a commercial replacement for it that needed the coding hours.

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Gabe da Silveira 10y, 10d ago

Are there any posts/podcasts about the commercial replacement?

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BenTek 10y, 10d ago

If you like Expandrive, you might want to give WebDrive a try too. It is more stable and lets you map a network drive to many servers and cloud services as well.

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Peter 10y, 12d ago

Thanks for sharing all this with us, much appreciated.

I'm just wondering if Jekyll still meets your expectations, specifically with regard to the time it takes to generate the blog. I'm sure you're keeping an eye on Hugo ...

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ttscoff 10y, 10d ago

I've learned to live with the Jekyll build time and have a few workarounds for quick corrections. At this point there's nothing customizable enough to make me happy and think about replacing it. I'm sure I'll get bored someday and take another leap.

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