What's the status of MultiMarkdown support? I purchased the app yesterday and am having some... crashiness. :-/
Sorry, had responded to this but crashed the database and lost my response in the restore.
MMD2 is bundled in Marked, but it looks for MMD3 on your hard drive. The implementation is a little buggy, and so is the file handling (which is most of your crashiness). There are also a couple of bugs caused by a lack of error trapping in one area. All of this is fixed and I hope to release the beta of the next update to a few users in the next couple of days.
Maybe this is obvious, but is it possible to use this with the regular fork of Notational Velocity? If so, how exactly? I know NValt already has something like this built-in, but the main fork of NV as a few features I also use. It would be great to be able to use all that together.
If you save your files as individual plain text files to disk, you can use Reveal Note in Finder to locate the file associated with a note. Then just drag that file to Marked in the Dock and it will start updating the preview every time NV autosaves.
The MultiMarkdown/Textile features of nvALT will be available in NV in the relatively near future.
Firstly, thank you for Marked - it's awesome.
I've just downloaded the 1.1 update from the Mac App Store, which apparently has an option to remove YAML front matter. I use YAML front matter (as per https://github.com/mojombo/... for page metadata in my jekyll-like static site generator, so this feature is of great interest to me. Unfortunately, this feature doesn't seem to work, even with some of the example markdown files from the jekyll codebase:
Having downloaded and opened that file in Marked with the 'Remove YAML Headers in Preview' option enabled, here's what I get:
FWIW I'm running Mac OS X 10.6.8.
Am I missing something obvious, or is this a genuine bug?
I have to be honest, thought it's often talked about by you and David, I've never used markdown before, I just assumed it would be more tags and stuff to learn.
Yesterday, I'd sent a long email which was basically answering questions for an interview - I'm a playwright.
I needed to post it, and thought rather than going through it tagging for HTML and adding links etc that I'd just quickly see if I could do anything basic by looking at Markdown, if only to at least satisfy my growing curiosty.
And yes, it's basically a no-brainer, I know that now!
I immediately thought of Marked having read about it on my RSS feeds a couple days ago. I couldn't remember the name so searched 'Brett' on MAS and downloaded, yet another no-brainer.
And the great thing about this for me?
I am blogging, and I'm not even using my brain!!!
Thank you, Brett. You're a genius.
PS: I've even typed this comment using Markdown! (One hell of a happy bunny here! :D)
Definitely doesn't require a network connection, something else must be going on. Is it working for you now? Did anything else change?
No, it's still happening. Beautiful preview when I first open the app by dropping the file "filename.md" onto the icon or opening inside the app with Command-O, but once I save the file in my editor, it goes blank. Refreshing with Command-R prior doesn't cause this, but pressing Command-R after doesn't return the document either. Closing the document and opening again doesn't fix it, only restarting the app.
Any chance you're using Vim?
Just for everyone else:
We finished this conversation via email, but here's the scoop: Vim does a funky temp file save and overwrite that my method of file tracking choked on. I fixed it this morning and submitted the update for review. Hopefully it will come through quickly (and not introduce any new bugs).
Great app, although I'm having a problem right now. Does the app need to be run while connected to a network? I had a problem this morning when I wasn't connected to wifi where changing my text file would cause the preview to refresh, but no text would appear. Reloading the app seemed to fix the problem, but it would do this on every refresh.