I currently am only using MailTags and MailActOn, which I love to death. DockStar has been handy in the past but I'm trying to show myself fewer notifications these days.
If you get a lot of email from Windows users that contains Winmail.dat files, Letter Opener is very, very useful. I am in the fortunate position these days of never getting those attachments anymore.
SpamSieve was also my go-to spam solution for many years. GMail/Sanebox has more or less resolved that issue for me, so I don't run it anymore. If you get Spam and the Mail junk filter isn't enough, I highly recommend it.
EagleFiler isn't a plugin, but it's amazing. It's an app along the lines of Evernote, Together, DEVONthink, etc. That guy adds something amazing with every update. I haven't ever committed to using it, but I watch with fascination.